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Goddessmyass - part 2
From: GoddessdamnitIamgettingtiredofthisshit
Subject: Butterfly Bill
Date: August 28, 1997
Newsgroups: alt.gathering.rainbow
> Please I beg of you generate something intelligent. And leave out the meaningless cliches. Is there a Goddess out there with an intellect? Let’s have intercourse!
I was thinking for a while you were just trolling, but reading back, (yes, I’ve been downloading this whole thread, it’s now up to 16 pages in MS Word on an ImageWriter) I’m thinking you really are serious about all the frustrated ranting that you’ve done.
Roger, my boy, Id like to reacquaint you with a few little facts that you seem to have forgotten.
1. Having sex sometimes results in a woman getting pregnant and having a baby. That baby will have to be cared for at least until its middle teens. When you’re having phun, do you ever consider that possibility, and make plans for preventing or abetting it? It sounds like your philosophy is find ‘em - fuck ‘em - forget ‘em.
2. Having sex is still a pretty good way to get a lot of diseases. It’s been this way long before AIDS came. When I was in the Navy, the two basic things they did at sick bay were treat colds and the clap. Have you ever had the clap? You probably haven’t, because you can’t get it from jacking off. I watched others with it, and it ain’t phun.
Women can’t just kick back and party naked while all these very real and rational fears are in the backs of their minds. Your whole trip seems to be: party tonight and worry about tomorrow when it comes. It is easier for men to think this way than women. We’re not the ones who get pregnant and usually get stuck with the care of a baby born out of marriage, and have to pay all the money it takes. It takes longer for women to know that they have certain venereal diseases. They have more to lose by fucking up in fucking than you do.
If you would like to meet some chicks, I would advise you to get up from in front of your Web TV with its 27 inch monitor and infrared control and at least get out of the house. I notice all your posting is in the wee hours of the morning. Do you even have a job? Who bought your web TV... Mommy? Do you have a toilet installed in your couch so you don’t have to get up?
Once you have succeeded in getting up before noon, don’t look for babes at a Phish concert - go out and volunteer for a bunch of people who are into helping other people. You’ll do some real talking and experiencing, and find out what healing really is. I know just the place you should volunteer...a battered women’s shelter. That would help you to understand why they seem to be so afraid of us, and find ways to heal people yourself - instead of just sitting around bitching because no healed people seek you out. If you can’t do this, at least get a job in a restaurant and really listen to the waitresses when they are talking among themselves. We have a Rainbow chant that goes, “We are opening...” Quit worrying about the impression you are making on others long enough to really listen to what’s going on around you.
I would like to see you say something intelligent. You remind me of the guy in the back seat of the bus on the way home from the high school band trip who managed to sneak a little booze and now he’s trying to get everyone to laugh at him. I’ve heard little but cliches out of you...politically correct, feminazi, elitism, babes...
You’ve complained several times that nobody’s picked up on your “pleasure and pain” questions. Well, the way you came on at the beginning, you were in a similar position to a guy who has just taken a diarrhea dump in the middle of the living room, and is wondering why nobody smiling when he’s said, “Hey, you wanna smoke some really good weed?”.
Since coming on this group you have succeeded in convincing everyone that you are a juvenile bootyhole. Maybe this was deliberate. If it was, you are a practiced master.
I’ll be waiting for your snappy one liner comeback. Maybe it’ll be a piercing as “Boy you’re bright”.
- Butterfly Bill
Get Your Private, Free Email at
From: Carla Newbre
Subject: Entomology (Was Goddessmyass)
Date: August 30, 1997
On Sat, 30 Aug 1997, Gods Almighty wrote:
> Goo Goo
> I am the world wide web wakened!
> Goo Goo
Will you please stop bugging the entire world with these ridiculous multiple posts? This is a serious request from the High Priestess. Your people are groaning under the yoke of loaded disk space; the middle fingers of their left hands are developing tendonitis from hitting the delete key (if they are touch typists; if not, then from flipping you off).
Please be merciful and release the world from this burden.
The Intercessor,
Ma Gyan Carla
From: KCurt12345
Subject: Entomology (Was Goddessmyass)
Date: September 3, 1997
Hey, this cyber trip is jacked! So who’s this Pornass dude?...or is it Barnass, my keyboard is sweating like some force from another dimension has been sucking the keys. I’m in a real state of confusion now, after grabbing the lead thread hours ago the”W” is growing hair and the “M” is getting bald. I thought this was supposed to be an inanimate object...the other salivating keys seem to be rattling some subtle space mantra from the lips of an alien zombie. I thought I knew Barnass, but this could’t be a Rainbow Bro I ever hung with...he’s just too blatantly blown...i thought my real friends were subtle and smart.Who shreded the results of Roger’s IQ test...before he was thrown out of first grade? That skewed a warp in in the future and that future is now....That’s how this gender bashing crusade began...Yeah, Big Bill doesn’t really know how bad the schools start a rambling melee like this, that’s a clear case of germinal culpability...or is it seminal culpability? a loyal American and do some research, heck you got the computer...let’s get to the root of all’s couched in the laws...look for the badgering guidelines of 1966. You can sift through the millions of laws before the next national and report the root cause of all this jabber to the Family Council...but you might hit a BLOCK and find your mouth smooching with a roll of duct tape with your familiar body members twined around the Peace Pole and a monumental pile of wood waiting for a flame to ignite an all night celebration that was lovingly consecrated by all the worker bees. Somebody’s got to pay for all this shit man....and that could be you...any Rainbow Volunteers? Hey, I’m just kidding, you can see I’m too dumb to even find a way to seperate my paragraphs...I’ve been victimized by this computer and I might have to kick it into submission like I was handling an unruly pitbull that was suffering a hallucinatory binge that produced images of juicy hotdogs rather than Royal monads of the human species. Aw shit, you guys fell asleep. Well, if there are any penetrating critical readers out there you knew I was sexist when I used the word couch way back there. Probably half the planet was made on the friggin couch...on the threads, in the threads, and through the threads....just ponder that for the evening. I gotta go, my Big Mamma is doing some kinda big ape thing I hear filtering through the jungle.. Namaste Hanuman Das
From: Jah CrustifariMD
Subject: Entomology (Was Goddessmyass)
Date: September 6, 1997
Top Ten reasons why CRUSTY really does Rule:
#10. CRUSTY heralds MORPHUNOLOGY the only valid empirical view of reality
#9. AGR is too fuckin’ serious (you know who you are)
#8. ‘96 Thanksgiving Council consensed to have MORPHUN (CRUSTYwas there!)
#7. “96 Thanksgiving Council consensed to loosen up (you know who you are typingconstipationboy)
#6. Saying “CRUSTY rules” has consistantly irritated many of the family (a noble goal my boring brethren)
#5. The act of ruling means nothing whatsoever
#4. Those of you who think there is such a thing as ‘too much fun’ are loser idiots (I’m all grown up now and seriously right about everthing I think) The Morphunologists need a leader to help identify you (you’re not invited)
#3 Rainbow Clown Service is currently recruiting
#2 Hopi Prophesy, Christian Theology, Buddhist Doctrine, Hindu Teachings, and Esoteric Theosophy all predict the coming of CRUSTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#1 I haven’t been laid in so long I’ll try anything
From: legeia
Subject: Entomology (Was Goddessmyass)
Date: September 7, 1997
I suppose it would be easier on me if I just ignored this post, but...
> #1 I haven’t been laid in so long I’ll try anything
Have you tried being nice? Loving? I mean consistently, over a long period of time?
I also want to take this opportunity to say that I agree mostly with your original sentiments about women. I too am ready for a new way of being together, but as of yet I can’t find the woman who has shuffled off all of her animosity about the last couple thousand years of evolutionarily necessary subjugation.
We men know that women weren’t the only ones subjugated and oppressed! Point is that our past, for better or for worse, has brought us to this present moment. It’s where we go from here that’s important! It’s love that’s important! Not fun, or morphun, or less fun. If we want a world of love and togetherness, we have to concentrate on being loving and working towards being together. Despite all the hatred and divisiveness that still pervades our existence.
Women will figure it before too long, for I trust they want love and togetherness also! Here’s hoping you find someone to love you in person, I know these words can only do so much... J
From: legeia
Subject: Entomology (Was Goddessmyass)
Date: September 7, 1997
Hi all,
This is a disclaimer from the ‘real’ Legeia. The person sending the previous post from my address is J, my dear and exasperating roommate, not I, Legeia. While I agree with the portions that advocate love over hostility, I disagree strongly with the comment that the last couple thousand years were ‘evolutionarily necessary subjugation’.
I have a great deal more to say to J about the subject when he returns.
From: Karl-Heinz Jackson
Subject: Entomology (Was Goddessmyass)
Date: September 7, 1997
legeia wrote:
> Hi all,
> This is a disclaimer from the ‘real’ Legeia. The person sending the previous post from my address is J, my dear and exasperating roommate, not I, Legeia.
Oops! Methinks J’s hide is fried... <megagrin>
|< /-\ (-) /-\
“There are two major products to come out of Berkeley: LSD and UNIX.
We don’t believe this to be a coincidence.” Steven Wright
From: Roger Parness
Subject: Entomology (Was Goddessmyass)
Date: September 8, 1997
What! J’s hide is fried because he said something politically incorrect and the feminazis are going to straighten him up? Are we the only ones man enough to say what we think? I am not alone in my opinions and even if I were I would express them nonetheless. I my be wrong but I want to dialogue with intelligent folks and thus learn. Stop supporting reactionary sexism. The women have no more monopoly on the truth than we do and many men have been treated just as badly by the women as visa versa.
Laughing Bull
From: Karl-Heinz Jackson
Subject: Entomology (Was Goddessmyass)
Date: September 8, 1997
Roger Parness wrote:
> What! J’s hide is fried because he said something politically incorrect and the feminazis are going to straighten him up? Are we the only onesI don’t personally feel threatened by women.
Grin. And you sure do seem to throw that “intelligent” word around a lot. Laughing Bull.
Love ya, brother!
|< /-\ (-) /-\
“An opinion’s like an asshole; everybody’s got one”
From: legeia
Subject: Love (was Entomology)
Date: September 7, 1997
> This is a disclaimer from the ‘real’ Legeia. The person sending the previous post from my address is J, my dear and exasperating roommate, not I, Legeia. While I agree with the portions that advocate love over hostility, I disagree strongly with the comment that the last couple thousand years were ‘evolutionarily necessary subjugation’.
Ooops, Sorry! Put my foot in it again! I was emapthizing with a man and I forgot that women might also read this...didn’t mean to be divisive...
What I meant by “evolutionarily necessary subjugation” is simply what a parent imposes on a child, in order to teach the ways of healthy living by insisting on basic rules of respectful co-existence. Sure it seems like tyranny to the kid, (who would rather do and have anything they want anytime they want), but ask parents who don’t teach their kids to be respectful, what self-destructive little monsters they turn can into and you’ll understand the necessity.
Humanity has been like a child, now becoming an adolescent, just starting to explore the powers and pleasures and responsibilities of adulthood. The dualistic social paradigm which has “subjugated” humankind (both genders) for the run of “history” has been evolutionarily necessary to teach us about responsibility, as loving parents teach their kids.
I can’t prove this in any way, and I don’t mean to ignore the reality of the unpleasantness of the female experience. Nor do I mean that only women need to be more responsible. I also don’t mean to suggest that we were raised in the least painful or most effective way. Different parents have different styles, and for that matter they are imperfect beings also, being divinely endowed with the ability to make mistakes.
My only point to Roger (JahCrustifarianMD, et al) was to be content with the past, no matter how we might label it, and to admonish the present moment with love, rather than anger. Then maybe he would find that his sexual needs (as well as his emotional needs) would be taken care of more often.
I also empathize with Roger for pushing the “simply have fun” issue because to make sense of it all without falling into logical conundrums, (and thus being misunderstood, with the risk of alienating part of one’s audience) is incredibly difficult! (Though I recognize this might well be a gender biased issue also...).
Hey, lighten up! (wink!) J
Legeia here. Clarification agreed to, J. I love you.
From: Roger Parness
Subject: Love (was Entomology)
Date: September 9, 1997
Hey J nice to hear from a brother that’s thinking. Notice how trying to express a viewpoint from your perspective immediately draws the eyre of the politically correct?
Anyway I really don’t want to come off as angry. My life is great I contribute to my local community and to my Rainbow Family in a big way and am full of love and humor. I am frustrated and I do want to challenge the status quo. For example why would the newsgroup keep writing stuff like f**k you. Why are they afraid of the word fuck? Is it inherently bad? And why can’t a man say I’m fuckin frustrated with the sisters, they ignore me for pretty boy gypsy dressed sociopaths or outlaw facaded losers with lotsa cool tatts. It’s my problem and loneliness and horniness are very strong forces which I deal with as best I can. But I ain’t a politically correct nice guy who will bow and scrape and praise my sisters for their slow motion attempts to be healed and liberated.
I know many brothers that are truly good men who get no lovin and are ignored by the Rainbow sisterhood for just the same emptyheaded reasons the sisters complain about us doing. If the sisters don’t want us chasing perfect playboy model types instead of looking for mates with depth and earth mother caring then why are they doing the same damned thing?
Brother I’ve been a sweet loving member of this Family for decades and that’s not going to change, but somehow my karma puts me at odds with some of the Family and without a mate to share my life. I will speak my mind and I will not be silenced by those who don’t like what I’ve got to say.
I Love You All.
Laughing Bull
Subject: Love (was Entomology)
Date: September 11, 1997
In a message dated 97-09-08 13:06:39 EDT, you write:
> I know many brothers that are truly good men who get no lovin and are ignored by the Rainbow sisterhood for just the same emptyheaded reasons the sisters complain about us doing. If the sisters don’t want us chasing perfect playboy model types instead of looking for mates with depth and earth mother caring then why are they doing the same damned thing?
right on Rodger--great post, i have to tell you, i don’t understand the sisters i meet at gatherings either--i mean, here’s my life, i try to be a kind loving type, don’t steal or lie(well i might embellish a story once in a while), almost always keep my money scene together,and try to help others and the family in general whenever i can--and what does it get me?--i end up traveling alone most of the time, meet mostly sisters who aren’t into sex (i seem to attrack that type because i was raised a gentleman and don’t push the issue if the heart and spirit aren’t there) and end up working my ass off at gatherings instead of wandering arould blissfully with a beautiful sister, high on life, high on love and seeking passion in the flowered meadows. the sisters i meet at gatherings do indeed seem to perfer a different type male, one who treats them like shit, cheats,lies and occassionally beats them--guess i’ve seen too many domestic shanti sena scenes. But hey,you know Rodger, i’m not giving up, somehow i just know that one year i’ll meet that sister at a gathering--the one who makes my heart go blam at the same time hers goes blam--i’ll take her to my home in texas and live happily in love everafter--and i sure as hell wouldn’t ever bring her to another gathering--see you on turkey day, you turkey-----------------s
From: Christophe Barbey
Subject: Love (was Entomology)
Date: September 11, 1997
> right on Rodger--great post, i have to tell you, i don’t understand the sisters i meet at gatherings either--i mean, here’s my life, i try to be a kind loving type, don’t steal or lie(well i might embellish a story once in a while), almost always keep my money scene together,and try to help others and the family in general whenever i can--and what does it get me?
Someone told me once “Dont imitate the opressor !”. I agree with boy’s. Some lady just today, right here on AGR said I was a gentleman ! I know it goes on, I know it hurts, but pass over it, dont waiste (too much) time at critisizing, just reach, and be gentle, show your true qualities, the best of your humanhood, and it w’ll all come out right... (Does for me). They need us too, believe it or not... Rejoyce, you truly have no choice...
So long,
Love you all,
From: Mmorphun
Subject: GoddessdamnitIamgettingtiredofthisshit
Date: September 12, 1997
The appearances are the crust. All sexual conotations have real life inuendos, remember that Your skin seems rather thick with many opinion craters that dont resemble smiles or laughter or having fun.
Crusty shall reveal them to you by the manner of reaction to his rather weird surface.
All such discourse that flows from this church is false, but designed to get all beings to illuminate themselves by getting past their crusty exteriors. Since the skin is false so true are the false techings about the heart,
When do all of your mental and physical and deseased notions of physical intimacy matter?
Show me any woman or man that holds true to these inner rules when confronted by the magic moment of mutual attraction and desire.
From: Gods Almighty
Subject: GoddessdamnitIamgettingtiredofthisshit
Date: September 13, 1997
Bow before the holy edict of MMMorphunology. We applaud you humble efforts to get laid!
Goo Goo
I am the world wide web wakened!
Goo Goo
From: Jah CrustifariMD
Subject: GoddessdamnitIamgettingtiredofthisshit
Date: September 13, 1997
You’re a bunch of dumb shits!
From: Elvis
Subject: GoddessdamnitIamgettingtiredofthisshit
Date: September 13, 1997
Elvis has left the building!
From: Jah CrustifariMD
Subject: GoddessdamnitIamgettingtiredofthisshit
Date: September 13, 1997
stop polluting our newsgroup you are infantile idiots
From: Roger Parness
Subject: GoddessdamnitIamgettingtiredofthisshit
Date: September 13, 1997
You are an imposter. Mmorphun is just the childish attempt to gain attention of an infamous group of rich handsome way cool dudes from the NW Family. This message was not written by me and I will not respond to any responses!
From: Butterfly Bill
Subject: Love (was Entomology)
Date: September 13, 1997
No, World Wide Web, you are not seeing things, you are not having a flashback hallucination. - no, this is NOT the end of life as we know it, the flying saucers are NOT landing.
Yes, what you will be reading is an actual documentable case of Butterfly Bill placing a post that agrees with and supports Roger Parness (and Sailor, too!) - yes, even after all we’ve been thru together.
What has caused this turnaround in behavior? Well, it has been observing a turn in his. He posted on Sep.9 a thing called Re: Love (was ent..), and I saw it on Sep. 13.
It was a post that was long for him, an essay that expressed simply a lot of real feelings. (And Sailor did likewise in response, too.) Gone were the belligerent one-liners and political sloganeering, arrived were some clear statements of observations and reactions, ones that others like me can also observe and share. I certainly like to give behavior like this positive reinforcement, so I am going to share some observations and feelings too.
I agree with both Roger and Sailor that lots of women deliberately pick the tushieholes. It’s as if a lot of them really want to jump in a sea of shit, just so they can have something to bitch about to their girl friends. They even agree with this at the battered women’s shelter - if someone sees Daddy beating up on Mommy, she’ll tend to marry someone just like Daddy, it’s been observed many times.
Lots of them want to get equality for themselves so they can get the gravies of patriarchy, but when some DUDE wants to cross the line, it’s a whole new story - especially if it’s their significant other, the one they are seen with, the one who is on the other side of the “and” from her first name when others talk of them. Their old man has to be strong, brave, a good worker, a firm disciplinary hand upon their children, and scary looking enough to ward off any muggers. They certainly don’t want no wimpy layabout. (At least that’s what they say, but you already know about this). I broke up with my last girlfriend - who thought she was quite the feminist - over the issues of her not wanting to be seen with me while wearing women’s clothing (and my not liking her 7 year old daughter from a previous union not accepting me and treating me rudely, no matter how much I tried to be nice to her.)
They don’t want us to be forward, to be fresh, to sexually harrass - but if they do want us, they expect us to make all the first moves. We have to be the ones who ask them out, we have to start the conversations, we have to keep them entertained. We have to initiate the affection, and be ready for a bruising rejection if it turns out we didn’t read their signals correctly. I have accumulated a list in the hundreds of women who have given me the pouting treatment because I have not responded to their flirtations in the exact way they expected (whatever that was).
What I really wish a lot of them would do is just talk to me like I was one of the girls - say, “And she said to me, and I said to her, and can you imagine? There I was, I could have died. etc.etc. And I wish I could talk to them about that goddam transmission that I am gonna have to drop again and my jock itch. If we could talk like this to each other, we would be better able to find how we really go together, and not have so many fights from frustration ignited by ignorance. But NO-O-O, we have to ask them out, and spend time in public places removed from what really brings us to express our feelings - my God, if they asked us over for a cup of coffee in their kitchen like they would any other women, who knows what kind of sexual predations we may visit upon them?
Men get sexually harrassed by other men, too. My whole Navy career was speckled with incidents of other guys in the shop trying to get me to go to Yokohama with them so they could get me a piece of ass. The only way you could talk about any women without being laughed at was to call them broads and cunts, and discuss only the sex you had with them. Am I surprised about the latest news of sexual harrassment in the Army? In the Navy, it was endemic to the whole culture.
I don’t really look for sisters at a Gathering. I find them sometimes - whether I’m looking or not - but they always turn out to be living in some boondock place in Idaho or Arizona where they have roots and don’t want to leave, and where I would never be able to find work and money. I go to Gatherings for the other men. I can talk with them, share feelings with them, be physically affectionate with them, go thru shanti-sena movies that bring out basic emotions shared with them - in ways I can in few places in ol’ Babs. And I can do all this while wearing tank-top sundresses! It’s experiences at Gatherings with them that help me keep my faith in men, and my pride in being one.
Everything I said in my napalm job on you two weeks ago I would say again to anyone who sincerely had the attitude you were expressing up to then. I absolutely don’t blame women for being scared shitless of us dudes - I’m scared of some of them myself. It is one of the main reasons I haven’t considered seeing if I can’t go gay. It’s one thing to have your woman bickering with you, but to have some big hairy DUDE pissed off? No, I think I can take matters into my own hands, thank you. What can I do when they’re scared of me, and I know all the things they’re scared of, and that they’re all very real. Damned if I know, let me have any hot leads you find.
Why do you have problems with women, Roger? Well, I have no idea of how you act away from the computer. I’m sure you don’t mouth off the way you when you’re at it - unless you also collect black eyes for a hobby. But I wonder if your bitterness doesn’t still seep thru as a cynicism gets you into a circle where the more you want it, the more you make it certain that you’re never gonna get it. I know I don’t NEED no damn woman - I’ve been surviving for the greater part of 50 years without one. Maybe I still want one, but then, haven’t I learned to do a lot of things for myself because there’s been no woman there to help me, or hinder me? If I ever start REALLY needing one, I have faith that the Devil will be kind and not let me have one.
Now Roger, I’m sure you’re gonna know exactly what I mean when I say that none of those sisters have the BALLS to respond to this post.
- Butterfly Bill
Get Your Private, Free Email at
From: sunray
Subject: Love (was Entomology)
Date: September 15, 1997
> No, World Wide Web, you are not seeing things, you are not having a flashback hallucination. - no, this is NOT the end of life as we know it, the flying saucers are NOT landing.
HOot, snort, and giggle!!...(if only this didn’t hit so close to home for me also!)... J
From: Roger Parness
Subject: Love (was Entomology)
Date: September 18, 1997
Shocking to find BB approving of my stuff.
I have many women friends and sisters (despite my continuous fixation on sex and bad jokes) and I am often told that the reason I have trouble with my love life is that I’m ‘too nice’! Boy ain’t that a crock. You can accuse the men of insensivity and foolishness but I can’t see what is stupider than a sister wanting to be abused and treated with disrespect. It seems they are turned off by sweet gentlemen, brothers that are shy and respectful will always finish last and if you don’t have a series of cutesy ‘lines’ on the tip of your tongue then rejection is imminent. Sad sisters really sad.
I sat in a so called ‘brothers circle’ in Missouri ‘95 where one of our cool gypsy types talked about communication and all the politically correct Robert Bly type stuff and then went on in ensuing days to steal my good bros woman away from him. You know my bro, he is a good man devoted to the Rainbow Family and a sensitive man trying to find someone to share his life with. But this sister who had lived with him for a year and travelled to the Gathering with him wanted her ‘space’ and suddenly fund this fine man who has built a house and a business and served the Family for decades boring compared to our little gypsy boy. You know I was tempted to just kick his fuckin ass ie. harm him physically but this is something my bro would never consider nor allow me to do. My good bros Gathering was ruined I mean he was bummed out for months and our lovely sister of the ‘I need to be abused so I know he’s a real man school’ went on to wander rather aimlessly from thereon. I geuss the point is that there are many sociopathic men even in the Rainbow Family and many co dependent women too. I wish people could use their brains and act like healthy loving humans.
From: AwiNoquisi
Subject: Love (was Entomology)
Date: September 20, 1997
Dear Laughing Bull,
I know exactly what you mean!!! As a woman, I, too, am often surprised at my sisters who leave guys just because they are “too nice.” I think alot of them are just drama-queens, looking to be abused so they can play the victim and whine about how horrible men are. (A book I would recommend reading on this subject is called “Fire with Fire,” by Naomi Wolf. She talks about all the so-called feminists (ha, femini-Nazis is more like it Heehee!) and how they are all just playing out a victim cycle over and over.} It’s hard to be abused if you don’t stick around to play victim! Of course, that does not make the abuser any less at fault; but I do think the “victim” is also at fault. It’s sickening to me to see my sisters do this to themselves, but hey... There is not much you can do or say to help them. They have to want to heal from that cycle. I know firsthand... Anyway, I kind of want to apologize to you for your sister’s behavior, but that’s really not my place. Instead, I will say this: there are good women out there who really ARE looking for nice guys!!! I promise! Just keep looking and ignore the girls who want to be abused!
Walk in Beauty,
From: Roger Parness
Subject: Love (was Entomology)
Date: September 20, 1997
Hey s. Hey BB. Heys bros. Awesome huh? Sister like AwiNoquisi can renew hope.
I want to add that the sociopathic user/abuser men that sucker our sisters into living out their worst codependent fantasies do not represent we real men. These types fill up the prisons of the world and are hurting women and children throughout society even our Family of Living Light. Perhaps if we spent more time calling these shitheads out and bursting their little deceptive raps the sisters would be safer and more able to see us (men who love and want to serve women).
I Love You Bros
I Love The Sisters
Subject: Love (was Entomology)
Date: September 20, 1997
In a message dated 97-09-20 14:31:13 EDT, you write:
> (men who love and want to serve women).
hey Carla, check this out----someone wants to wax your floor and cook your meals and do your laundry---if i was a girl i’d have to give this guy some serious consideration--------------s
From: anthony paul avery
Subject: Love (was Entomology)
Date: September 20, 1997
> hey Carla, check this out----someone wants to wax your floor and cook your meals and do your laundry---i f i was a girl i’d have to give this guy some serious consideration
Or if you were a bi/gay man darling...
From: Gods Almighty
Subject: Love (was Entomology)
Date: September 21, 1997
He’s (I mean It’s) a hermaphrodite and doesn’t do windows
Goo Goo
I am the world wide web wakened!
Goo Goo
From: AwiNoquisi
Subject: Love (was Entomology)
Date: September 21, 1997
Hiya guys... Thanks Laughing Bull for your post. I agree that we should all spend time calling out the men who abuse women; I also think we should try to help sisters. Like I said, though, it is hard to help anyone who does not want to heal. I guess one of the best things we can do is pray. Pray that oursisters will see that they do not have to be a victim; pray that our brothers see that they do not have to treat women like shit to feel important. I have heard so many sisters say, “Well, he does this and that to me, but I love him, and I know he loves me, so I stay.” Bullshit. Love is not about harming.
Anyway, thanks again, Laughing Bull. You truly seem to be one of the “good ‘uns.” That gives me, and I am sure other sisters, hope also!
Love You All,
From: Devine,Brennan-SEA
Subject: Love (was Entomology)
Date: September 22, 1997
> > hey Carla, check this out----someone wants to wax your floor and cook your meals and do your laundry---i f i was a girl i’d have to give this guy some serious consideration
> Or if you were a bi/gay man darling...
A Mighty Ho !!!
From: Butterfly Bill
Subject: Love (was Entomology)
Date: September 23, 1997
> Like I told Laughing Bull, keep your chin up and keep on smiling... Praying doesn’t hurt, either...
Julia, you’d better not put your home address on this newsgroup, or you’ll have more men showing up on your doorstep than Princess Di!!!!!
I always keep my chin up, but sometimes I get more stuff done if I’m snarling and growling. That can feel just as good, sometimes.
You’re a rare and precious jewel. I hope you are also a seed.
- Butterfly Bill
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