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This is a collection of threads started by one of the greatest trolls that ever posted to alt.gathering.rainbow. He succeeded in rankling many people into raucous reactions (including me), but this turned into a remarkably profound discussion about men and women, the love that arises between them, and the frustrations that come with it.

I have gathered them together here into one document, converting them from web pages produced by Google Advanced Groups Search. I have made no changes or corrections to anybody’s posts, with this exception: I have shortened quoted sections, since in some cases people quoted entire posts, including quotes of quotes therein, and to reproduce all of these would make this document way too long.

This is the kind of discussion that could be found daily during the 1990s and early 2000s in alt.gathering.rainbow, a forum where you couldn't post pictures and you couldn't post links to other sites that displayed preview pictures, like you can on Facebook. (a.g.r. was a text-only group, not a binary one, where you could.). In Usenet the author’s own words were supreme, and that’s what we kept coming back for.

– Butterfly Bill

> Quoted text appears like this.

> > Quotes of quotes appear like this.

The author’s own words appear like this.

From: (Roger Parness)
Subject: Goddessmyass
Date: August 20, 1997
Newsgroups: alt.gathering.rainbow

Sisters. If you don’t treat men like Gods then you ain’t the Goddess. We of the well healed Rainbow brotherhood do hearby declare that we will no longer deal with sisters that need to be healed. If you are already healed are respectful and thinking clearly without prejudice and sexism we invite you to join our party. Let’s get naked and Gather together in love and wisdom and prosperity. Joy is available for those who are willing.

From: frida
Subject: Goddessmyass
Date: August 20, 1997

> Sisters. If you don’t treat men like Gods then you ain’t the Goddess.

I have seen the goddess, and she is ALL of my sisters.

all the love

From: Dennis M. Breen
Subject: Goddessmyass
Date: August 21, 1997

Isis is all women and all woman are Isis.

From: Roger Parness
Subject: Goddessmyass
Date: August 22, 1997

I’m way too hairy and testosterone ridden to be a goddess! Viva la difference!

From: Roger Parness
Subject: goddessmyasscont
Date: August 22, 1997

To illiucidate further: We, the well healed Rainbow brothers are no longer interested in sisters that need to be healed. Go somewhere else. The Wizard invites all HEALTHY sisters to the party. We are seeking to share with sisters who are capable of thinking and have completed enough spiritual work to enjoy prosperity and sexuality. If you're still wandering around in a fog trying to be politically correct and thinking that your empty little feminist ideas can transcend the milleniums old basics of kindness intelligence and desire for men than GO SOMEWHERE ELSE! Sisters we of the well healed do not drink we protect others from violence we do not abuse we love the female of our species and are kind and understanding. But we do party and we do have fun and we want intimacy with fine sisters. And you older sisters that are teaching the younger to dis men and to lose sexuality in the name of liberation: Fuck You. The Wiz and MJ and I invite all beautiful intelligent sexual women to Gather with us and have FUN. Eat Drink Smoke Love and Be Merry! Sisters be healed and come unto your brothers in light and peace!

From: Roger Parness
Subject: goddessmyasscont
Date: August 22, 1997

Come on you asexual losers get healed!

Subject: goddessmyasscont
Date: August 22, 1997

In article <5tki1j$p6c$>, Roger Parness <> wrote:

> To illiucidate further: We, the well healed Rainbow brothers are no longer interested in sisters that need to be healed. Go somewhere else. The Wizard invites all HEALTHY sisters to the party. We are seeking to

Hehehe... you almost had me going. I love you too, coyote brother.

The "Laughing Bull" in the From: line gave it away. I'm laughing at this bull all right.

You need a big hug from a politically incorrect man who's not threatened by lesbians. And I'm just the man to give it to ya!

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BTW, no, I'm not actually that ugly!

If you want to talk, we're here.

- Ari

From: Roger Parness
Subject: goddessmyasscont
Date: August 22, 1997

I kinda like lesbians too. Can I watch?

Define pain.
Define pleasure.
Sure Ari give me a hug but bring 2 babes when you come!

From: Karl-Heinz Jackson
Subject: goddessmyasscont
Date: August 22, 1997 wrote:

> Hehehe... you almost had me going. I love you too, coyote brother.
> BTW, no, I'm not actually that ugly!
> class="quote">> If you want to talk, we're here.
> - Ari

If yer right, then I got taken in too...loved yer Mr. Potato-Head ;>

| < /-\ (-) /-\

Subject: Goddessmyass
Date: August 22, 1997

They have liposuction for this unsightly problem in men. Fortunately, you are-- was it well heeled--or a heel? And therefore you can afford to get your ass healed. (And if you heal your ass, maybe your mind will follow.) Or is it held? Or is it just plain old hell? Or heil? I can see the ceremony now: “Heil, Goddess Ass!” Or is it “Heil be seeing you in all the same old ass slings like this verbal trap you’ve backed your back ass wards back into once again...” Oh well. I’m sure your brothers will tell you all about the permutations of yo’ fine ass, since not many well healed brothers can resist a goddess ass. But isn’t it hard to worship your own ass? Is it a dance? You sort of whirl around? Or is it done with mirrors? Or maybe it’s one of those things like our lady of the french toast/wall crack/road kill where pilgrims come from all over to see the likeness of Mary in these items: You’ve got a mole formation on your butt that dot-to-dots like a Venus of Willendorf? Oh! Oh! I know! You are the donkey! The ass Mary rode in on! No matter what, you’ve got more than a slight problem here if you liken your posterior to a goddess. How well healed is any male who doesn’t wholly know his ass from the ground?

I know; I know. Some will think I’m being mean. But you know what? This isn’t mean. I’m tweaking the ignorant. Too bad. Delete me. I am in a foul and pestilential mood. and I get more graphic below.

I’m fed up with gods. The hour of the gods is over. You see, today is my son’s 21st birthday. Where is he? In jail. It isn’t as bad as the Johnny Cash song: “I turned twenty-one in prison doing life without parole.” He’ll be out in two weeks. But this is the only twenty-first birthday he’ll ever have. And why is he in jail for stuff he’s gotten himself in jail for a half dozen other times? Because I treated him like a god. Because I gave him an inflated sense of himself. His name in fact is Moses. I raised him when I was still in thrall to patriarchal thinking. So he doesn’t get it that he has to take responsibility for his own actions. He thinks everyone ought to treat him like the holy prince I treated him like. So everything that happens to him, he thinks, is because of other people’s actions; because of circumstances. Because people aren’t as “nice” and long suffering as his mother!

You know who else landed in jail the same day this week for the same reasons only thirty years of godhood added on? (No direct causal relationship between the two events. Just both things happening at the same time so that I’ve gone around hanging my head like as if I’m a cartoon character.) You-know-who in Tucsan who lost his hand making a firework last August landed in jail Tuesday. Yup. My rainbow-reknowned x, the god lord himself. Violation of Probation. His mama worshipped the ground he walked on, too. She and I cleaned up an awful lot of messes made by this god. I helped clean up the pieces of his hand last summer. Those were quite human, those black crisps of flesh. Then I worked at this god for months at my own expense, to my own detriment trying to get him to see the courts/cops weren’t kidding. That they don’t think he is a god above their punishments and management. But like any god, he knew better. So this god of alcohol, drugs and fireworks is in jail tonight. And for many a night to come. Just another healed Rainbow brother! Just another god! A god who often spoke of perfect women just like in the original email in this thread! A god who had a lot of notions, ideas, rules about how women should act because he and all of his healed brothers sat around and counseled on it! (I called it the retarded bachelor’s club. I’m sure you all have ‘em in your town. You know: Sitting around drinking, smoking while creating the perfect woman by male consensus. It’s a lot easier that way rather than learning how to live with actual women. Loving and living and learning gets so messy and...and...and confusing! It goes against all the RULES! It requires changing! Sloughing off egos! Gods never have to do that!)

And here’s an interesting insight: Where is the retarded bachelors club tonight? Are they there, helping Mic? Helping Moses? Helping Mic and Moses take responsibility? Naw. They’re somewhere else, smoking, snorting, shooting, drinking, bragging, blaming, criticizing women, ignoring their children, damning the government, and just generally being the gods they are; perfect unto themselves. Do they show up at court or visiting hours for their fallen brethren? Write letters? Send money? Naw. Not for the most part. They are there to buy from and sell drugs to these guys, but they can’t go to court and give them moral support. Heck! The other day? No one would even go over to Mic’s or make any phone calls! Guilty! Scared! But I called Tucsan! From San Jose, Ca! Then when I reported he was in jail, people crept over and got the details. And would any of those folks who made fortunes off of him for decades help me do an intervention for this very sick man who was hallucinatory for days at a time? No. It was Mic’s right to kill himself. It was none of their responsibility. And of course my name began with a b for trying to help him with AA/NA--which is a compromise of godhood!

And where are the grown up men who taught my son to use and buy and sell meth amphetamine when he was only 16? Where are those perfect god-like creatures tonight on my only son’s twenty-first birthday? Where are those gods who taught my son he had no responsibilities to me, to his family? Because he is a free, autonomous god?

So, you see, I’ve been through this god-making process. I’ve seen the needle and the damage done. And I’m sick of it. I will foster nor condone this set of sicknesses no more. The gods die tonight. That is my celebration of the 21 years since my flesh opened and this son was born. I serve this madness no more.

As for the goddess? Oh! Don’t be fools, men. This is not a binary matter. And it is no question of sexism. For seven thousand years, god, jehova, a punishing angry, arrogant god has dominated. It is not that I am a goddess. It is that I am a woman, I am of the goddess energy, the feminine forces of the universe move through me. I do not set my self as a goddess. I am human. I am flesh. I have the god force, the god spark in me. But for too long--this afore said seven thousand years--women have been denied their creative, divine identification. That is why I and many another women has been so cut off from the earth, from heaven, from reality, from the creative flow of energy through the universe and so has denied her humanity, her needs, her desires, and so served men who *did* have identification with god by gender. And look! LOOK where THAT has gotten us! The planet is a horrible mess for these very reasons! No thanks, brother! No more gods! If you want to be a happy god, it is up to you to make your own happiness. It is SLAVERY, SUBJUGATION and just plain old infantile to expect or make women create your happiness by treating you like a god. As to the goddess my sisters and I refer to, she is no playboy center fold robot, you can be sure. She’s not there to make you happy. She is not even there to love you as you think you should be loved. The reality is better than the specs you could come up with!

Anyone who thinks to flame me about this, fuck off. I’ll not be opening any posts I don’t know the author of, nor any who I know to be hostile. So friends, family, please don’t copy down any hostile emails about my boy. I share this story not for pity. I share it because of the wisdom to be had from the learning I portray.

L&L, Miranda, Raven, She Who Celebrates the Goddess Today! To Life! To freedom!

From: Butterfly Bill
Subject: Goddessmyass
Date: August 22, 1997

The Devil usually comes to you in disguise, but the Devil don’t tell you any lies. The Devil is a manifestation of the same godhead as all the other nicer ones you like more, He is just as divine, and every time He comes, He comes to teach. And you can learn or spurn (and take another turn).

Back on the material plane, I’d a kicked his ass out of the house as soon as he was 18, or when he finished high school, whichever was later. Even tho you’re his mama, it’s not your dharma to bear his karma. If he is meant to learn, it’s something he’ll have to earn, and sooner or later he will, if that’s the Will. You’d hope Jesus would teach him, but maybe he’s gonna have to sit at the feet of the smiling Horny One Himself. Jesus said to love one another, but He also said not to cast your pearls before swine.

And nobody’s gonna tell me that women don’t also try to create the perfect man by female consensus - I listened to the waitresses while working at Mama Mia’s too much to believe that. Read any of the women’s mags by the supermarket check out stand. They’ll think you’re funny, IF you’ve got money.

And many of us fed up with having to be gods hunger for the peace of the Goddess and weep privately at night because She won’t let us get close to Her because seems to think we want to rape Her or something.

I beg you not to let your bitterness cut off the other half of the light from us.

- Butterfly Bill

Get Your Private, Free Email at

[Miranda’s response the same day did not turn up in Google’s search results, but I can remember it ending with something like “She who Knows Her Rainbow Gods When She Sees Them”. Another person mentioned it in another thread:]

From: Ron Sinor
Subject: Potlucks near Springfield, MO.
Date: August 24, 1997

I would like to contact family in the Springfield Missouri area. Any kind of family gatherings, potlucks, regionals, etc. Also I understand there is a family related, monthly publication out of St. Louis Mo. Does anyone know how I can get on that mailing list?



PS. I was deeply touched as I witnessed the emotional/spiritual healing to Miranda Raven when she received Butterfly Bill’s “...kickass, sad, sweet,” Keep it up guys, I live to see (feel) that kind of love. Thanks for letting me be a part of it

From: Karl-Heinz Jackson
Subject: Goddessmyass
Date: August 22, 1997

> So, you see, I’ve been through this god-making process. I’ve seen the needle and the damage done. And I’m sick of it. I will foster nor condone this set of sicknesses no more. The gods die tonight. That is my celebration of the 21 years since my flesh opened and this son was born. I serve this madness no more.

To which I, KaHa, Karl-Heinz reply: just blew Pan’s boat out of the water... (the gods stare abashedly at the floor, muttering amongst themselves...) There’s nothing like a goddess to humble a god. I send my love to you and your son. And my thanks for your response to those postings (you put it in better words than I ever could have).

| < /-\ (-) /-\

From: Roger Parness
Subject: goddessmyass
Date: August 22, 1997

You’re not invited.

From: Roger Parness
Subject: goddessmyass
Date: August 22, 1997

Artemis always struck me as pretty unreasonable!

From: starwatcher
Subject: goddessmyass
Date: August 22, 1997

Roger Parness wrote:

> You’re not invited.

Well aren’t we a bundle of joy and light this morning.
I’ve read yr last 6 posts.
Did you really buy a web-tv?


From: Karl-Heinz Jackson
Subject: goddessmyass
Date: August 22, 1997

> Well aren’t we a bundle of joy and light this morning.
> I’ve read yr last 6 posts.
> Did you really buy a web-tv?


| < /-\ (-) /-\

From: Carla Newbre
Subject: Goddessmyass
Date: , 1997
Date: August 22, 1997

On Fri, 22 Aug 1997, Roger Parness wrote:

> I’m way too hairy and testosterone ridden to be a goddess! Viva la difference!

I think that’s pretty insulting and patronizing. There are lots of very hairy women who are told they are not beautiful because of their hairiness, go through painful waxing, plucking, etc., to make them the “ideal” standard of beauty. Are you saying that only hairless women can be goddesses?

Women have testosterone, too, you know. I’m sure there are women who have imbalances in that area. Are they, then, not qualified to be goddesses?

With your bragging about being testosterone-ridden, it sounds like you like your women ultra feminine. Same old mainstream values of what a woman should be: young, thin, no body hair whatsoever, pretty, and passive. Get off the sexual stereotypes and get real, dude.

> We, the well healed Rainbow brothers are no longer interested in sisters that need to be healed. Go somewhere else. The Wizard invites all HEALTHY sisters to the party. ... But we do party and we do have fun and we want intimacy with fine sisters. And you older sisters that are teaching the younger to dis men and to lose sexuality in the name of liberation: Fuck You.

Well, fuck you, too. As an older sister, I resent that. Did it ever occur to you that it is not the older sisters who are teaching the younger to dis men? Maybe it is the behavior of men who have caused this attitude. And when you guys grow up and learn that life is not just a party, that it takes committment and dedication to have a RELATIONSHIP, maybe you guys will be on the way to healing yourselves and will be able to attract healthy women. Illness seeks its own level, you know. Of course, if all you want is a good time, you wouldn’t be interested in committment. Not that I have anything against sexuality, per se. I had a wonderful time during the sexual revolution. I do think it’s a pity that AIDS has turned back attitudes towards sexuality to the Victorian era. And I do think it’s important for both brothers and sisters to remember that sexuality has nothing to do with being sexist. But really, Mr. Bull, your attitude is most vexing. “Empty little feminist ideas,” indeed. And just what is wrong with being politically correct?

Trying not to engage in male bashing,


From: Roger Parness
Subject: Goddessmyass
Date: August 22, 1997

Bellybutton cliches are meaningless!

From: Thomas Cagle
Subject: goddessmyass
Date: August 23, 1997

Miranda Raven wrote:

*Big snip*.

> > So, you see, I’ve been through this god-making process. I’ve seen the needle and the damage done. And I’m sick of it. I will foster nor condone this set of sicknesses no more. The gods die tonight. That is my celebration of the 21 years since my flesh opened and this son was born. I serve this madness no more.

*more snipped*

> To which I, KaHa, Karl-Heinz reply:
> just blew Pan’s boat out of the water... (the gods stare abashedly at the floor, muttering amongst themselves...) There’s nothing like a goddess to humble a god. I send my love to you and your son. And my thanks for your response to those postings (you put it in better words than I ever could have).

To which Tom Cagle wrote:

Well folks I am probably as old fashioned as high button shoes.

Here is some of what can be done. Us men folk can stand around and do little or nothing. The women can go off onna tear like Carry Nation, hatchet in hand looking for beer kegs to kill (or amphetamine dealers to scalp). Or we can stop living like there won’t be any more generations of little gatherers.

All of you know a thousand little ways to dis folks who show up at a party at your home ‘not dressed up in party cloths’. Well, if you are setting on the bosom of our mother (she’s a tough old turtle) if’n this isn’t a party of the first magnitude, there isn’t any such thing. Shun? Shun our brothers and sisters! Yes, it could be a possible answer among many. Educate too, there are as many ways to start to get a grip on this critter as there are of us. Good Red Road people have been educating in prisons for some time now. Have you encouraged any to attend your gatherings? Have Rainbows who are in prison been encouraged to find a Good Red Road contact inside?

Yes it IS mundane, but are the clean up after people praised in public? Given a symbol-of-status to wear?

Are some of the youngsters encouraged to assist with set up of disabled guys-elders?

Is there anything like Grand Entry being done? Do you sing out your drum(s)?

A thing I have done for the education of children (in the past) is to have them set and operate slug traps. Or if they were too little, watch me as I set them. A saucer full of dead-drunk slugs makes a point inna youngsters mind that might last a life time... I do encourage more discourse on this subject it isn’t going to go away. To mangle a little Carroll- “If the shades of things to come are not altered by the hand of man, I see a circle empty-and a drum unattended”

On any given day there are 8000 people confined in NH alone, based solely on their disability...

Free our people!

Tom Cagle

From: Christophe Barbey
Subject: goddessmyasscont
Date: August 23, 1997

> To illiucidate further: We, the well healed Rainbow brothers are no longer interested in sisters that need to be healed. Go somewhere else.

I dont know if you'll laugh, but I love those sisters and will defend them (since this is public and one my own behalf), only once and just to show, if you go further, I'll call it fight, and consider it a waiste of peace...

Compassion is a healing for homosexuality, Bogus ?
A party without a little bit of miracle is probably very polluted, Period ?
If you dont find enough pleasure in life to be kind, masturbate more, reply ?

All this just to say that misogeny (spelling ?)(disguising of women alltogether), does also hurt me, caring ?

However, remember that at gatherings we sometimes do have men circle, in wich we can talk, relate and overcome, where ever we come from. Man, I wish I could tell would it still takes me to be free with my gender as given, or with any women, and all that bursting out of me giantly cool energy they just seem to pop out of me all the time...

I love you...


From: Roger Parness
Subject: goddessmyasscont
Date: August 24, 1997

I'll promise to masturbate more if you'll make sense when you write. Spelling counts or maybe political correctness dictates you be nebulous and obtuse to avoid being caught in logic errors that you are unable to observe on your own. I love women but not dumb shits. And why are you trying to heal homosexuality? Have you not heard that people can do what they want even if it doesn't correspond to your little view of what you think is right? Good God Rainbow is full of politically correct empty headed crap. PS I masturbae too much already!

From: Keith Wright
Subject: goddessmyasscont
Date: August 24, 1997

In article <5tomjs$h0u$> (Roger Parness) writes:

> I'll promise to masturbate more if you'll make sense when you write. Spelling counts or maybe political correctness dictates you be nebulous ... PS I masturbae too much already!

You also post too much. I am tired of correcting your spelling.

I don't have the energy to even begin with your logic and your attitude.


This mail message sent by GNU emacs and Linux.
Power to the people. Linux is here.
Food, Shelter, Source code.

From: Roger Parness
Subject: Goddessmyass
Date: August 24, 1997

It’s hard to commuicate with hairy women but here goes. First off what the hell is wrong with man bashing. There’s a great tradition amongst you liberated women so why pretend to stop now. I know that I avoided woman bashing for many years and it got me nowhere. In this world nice guys finish lonely but of course macho must be cosmic and charismatic amongst the politically correct rainbow feminazis. To explain what is wrong with political correctness is to cast pearls before swine (sows?) but I will attempt to enlighten: the following of dogma without thought is the cardinal sin of humanity. The politically correct have marched to war happily for millenium. Mothers applaud sending their sons to slaughter in the name of flag and country and sundry politically correct concepts. By stumbling through life without philosophy or introspection the politically correct strive to destroy the human intelligence. The politicians worship the god ‘more jobs’ (translated more slavery) and continue to plunder the globe while the politically correct lemmings applaud ‘stimulating the economy’. This is much like the feminist doctrine of empowering (indoctrinating) young sisters to isolate from and bash men in the name of transcending the patriarchy. All the evil of human history was wrought by men who were raised by mothers (women). Both sexes are equally responsible for the mess humankind is in and only men and women teamed together in healthy relationship will heal this world. Do you really think that the female deer need to emasculate their bucks so that they can empower future deer? Is the wolf bitch pissed because the male wolves keep fucking around having big fun hunting? I think that women wearing suits and ties is sicker than men in these little traditional uniforms of conformity and I think that Rainbow sisters becoming androgenous and turning from sexuality in the name of liberation are counter evolutionary and just lead us toward survival of the stupidist. I maintain that real men are opinionated buttheads and have attitudes and real women love them for it! Viva la difference!

From: Carla Newbre
Subject: Goddessmyass
Date: August 24, 1997

> It’s hard to commuicate with hairy women but here goes. First off what the hell is wrong with man bashing. There’s a great tradition amongst you liberated women so why pretend to stop now. ...

O baby, Oh baby, Oh baby. You’ve convinced me. Come take me, you opinionated butt-head. Arrogance in a man is a powerful aphrodisiac for us strong women.

As an example to all the healthy Rainbow men and women, shall we have a cyber-affair? My legs are shaved for the summer ...


From: starwatcher
Subject: Goddessmyass
Date: August 24, 1997

> It’s hard to commuicate with hairy women but here goes. First off what the hell is wrong with man bashing. There’s a great tradition amongst you liberated women so why pretend to stop now. ...

I will let my sisters speak for themselves.
I’m speechless.
Did you really buy a web TV?


From: Roger Parness
Subject: Goddessmyass
Date: August 24, 1997

Yeah about a year ago. It’s surprisingly cool for a couch potato; infrared keyboard 27” monitor. They updated storage etc this year too. No hd though. Yeah sure, let your sisters do stuff--- who’s the pig here?

From: Naughtius - I DON’T LIKE SPAM - Maximus
Subject: goddessmyass
Date: August 24, 1997


(Mumbo, jumbo, mumbo, jumbo, mumbo...)

> I am in a foul and pestilential mood.

How noble in reason... how infinite in faculty...

(Mumbo, jumbo, mumbo...)

> You see, today is my son’s 21st birthday. Where is he? In jail. It isn’t as bad as the

Ok - here’s the Good Stuff.

> Johnny Cash song: “I turned twenty-one in prison doing life without parole.”

Basic Falsism... Basic Merle Haggardism...
“Ah tuurned twenny-wuuuun in prisenn dooenn lahf without puhrolle...
But mama triied, mama triied, mama triiiied...”

Hellowww, Ah’m Johhny Caysh... an’ Ayh... “Shot a man in Renooo.. jes
to wawtch himum diyyyy...

> He’ll be out in two weeks. But this is the only twenty-first birthday he’ll ever have. And why is he in jail for stuff he’s gotten himself in jail for a half dozen other times? Because I treated him like a god. Because I gave him an inflated sense of himself. His name in fact is Moses. I raised him when I was still in thrall to patriarchal thinking. So he doesn’t get it that he has to take responsibility for his own actions. He thinks everyone ought to treat him like the holy prince I treated him like. So everything that happens to him, he thinks, is because of other people’s actions; because of circumstances. Because people aren’t as “nice” and long suffering as his mother!

Sniff, sniff... well... it’s because you’re a Bad Mother.

> You know who else landed in jail the same day this week for the same reasons only thirty years of godhood added on?

Uhhhh... no?

> (No direct causal relationship between the two events. Just both things happening at the same time so that I’ve gone around hanging my head like as if I’m a cartoon character.) You-know-who in Tucsan who lost his hand making a firework last August landed in jail Tuesday.

Uhhh... must be hard t’ type... or does the Contumacious One use Voice-Type Dictation?

> I helped clean up the pieces of his hand last summer. Those were quite human, those black crisps of flesh.

I’ll have the Chile Rellenos, please.

> Then I worked at this god for months at my own expense, to my own detriment trying to get him to see the courts/cops weren’t kidding.

“Hope they don’t have SCMODS...”

Courts\Cops are a buncha Dumb\Assess... it takes a lotta Concerted Effort to successfully Dumb Down oneself in order to enjoy the Contemplative Penitence of 6-West.

> A god who often spoke of perfect women just like in the original email in this thread! A god who had a lot of notions, ideas, rules about how women should act because he and all of his healed brothers sat around and counseled on it! (I called it the retarded bachelor’s club. I’m sure you all have ‘em in your town.

Ummmm... nope. Just a local chapter of The Boring Mens Club.

> You know: Sitting around drinking, smoking

...making fireworks, drinking, smoking, picking up pinkies, making fireworks - slower than usual...

> while creating the perfect woman by male consensus. It’s a lot easier that way rather than learning how to live with actual women.

With Actual Women who own “A Woman Needs A Man Like A Fish Needs A Bicycle” T-shirt. : P

> Loving and living and learning gets so messy and...and...and confusing! It goes against all the RULES! It requires changing! Sloughing off egos! Gods never have to do that!)

> And here’s an interesting insight: Where is the retarded bachelors club tonight?

In 7-West?

> Do they show up at court or visiting hours for their fallen brethren? Write letters? Send money? Naw. Not for the most part. They are there to buy from and sell drugs to these guys, but they can’t go to court and give them moral support. Heck! The other day? No one would even go over to Mic’s or make any phone calls!

It ain’t a Manly Thing to do... women’s work... I mean girl’s work.

> And where are the grown up men who taught my son to use and buy and sell methamphetamine when he was only 16?


> That is why I and many another women has been so cut off from the earth, from heaven, from reality, from the creative flow of energy through the universe and so has denied her humanity, her needs, her desires, and so served men who *did* have identification with god by gender. And look! LOOK where THAT has gotten us!

To The MOON, Alice! To The MOON!

> The planet is a horrible mess for these very reasons! No thanks, brother! No more gods!

Awwwww... mom...

> If you want to be a happy god, it is up to you to make your own happiness. It is SLAVERY, SUBJUGATION and just plain old infantile to expect or make women create your happiness by treating you like a god.

Did that cowboy lie to you an’ run off?

> As to the goddess my sisters and I refer to, she is no playboy center fold robot, you can be sure. She’s not there to make you happy. She is not even there to love you as you think you should be loved. The reality is better than the specs you could come up with!

> Anyone who thinks to flame me about this, fuck off.

Ok, which one’s Off?

> I’ll not be opening any posts I don’t know the author of, nor any who I know to be hostile.

Bet ya doooooo...

> So friends, family, please don’t copy down any hostile emails about my boy. I share this story not for pity. I share it because of the wisdom to be had from the learning I portray.

Off! Who’s Off???

> To Life! To freedom!

I am the God of Hellfire!!! And I bring you - FI-UHRR!!!!

Naughtius “We Don’t Smoke Marijuana In Muskogee...” Maximus

Them’s thats clever will be able to figger out a return @ddress - unlike SPAM Mother-Heckydarners

From: Christophe Barbey
Subject: goddessmyass
Date: August 24, 1997

Dared peace, in all the extent of wisdom !
Strong talk: dear heart !

A humble person, in honest solidarity can only reckon, woman and man, godess’s and god’s, life in all... Hopefully more and more equal and in solidarity... but with awarness, not resentment.

So much to heal, so better can we do !

Who has taken the oath of always inprouving, of facing -with mercy- his own mistakes to understand and heal in a society that condemns so fast to be boxed and outgendered in jails, if not killed ?

Yet everyone should face himself, just to be a little more of what he is and is to become

A humble man, didn’t I hear the cries of the carabeans rasta’s, the burden of theyre ancesters slavery ?

I now hear the mother’s song, as it sings the recovering of the wisdom (in respect and freedom), the uphold of the new generation by the previous one

Am I just dreaming or is the choice (and not the burden) of living more happily together a real, possibility...

I would not expect, but I do demand to society and women more care about one another (it all evolves anyway, why not in fair, livable and happy directions).

I have great hopes in the women’s energy, if men where the explorer (and to what shame ?), they where closer to life, to the peace and the love it takes indeed to run it, but also to live it, just happily (as joy being a complement to true understanding and compassion). !

All different, yet one !
I love you Raven , Miranda !

Kriss (White Crow)

From: Karl-Heinz Jackson
Subject: goddessmyass
Date: August 24, 1997

Naughtius - I DON’T LIKE SPAM - Maximus wrote:

> WSB3ATTYCA wrote:
> (Mumbo, jumbo, mumbo, jumbo, mumbo...)
> > I am in a foul and pestilential mood.
> How noble in reason... how infinite in faculty...
> (Mumbo, jumbo, mumbo...)

<massive snip>

What’s with the sudden infusion of idiot postings to this newsgroup? Seems like hospital personnel have been handing out computers in the cranial rectitis ward.


| < /-\ (-) /-\

From: Butterfly Bill
Subject: Goddessmyass
Date: August 25, 1997

Laughing Bull wrote,

> How does pain relate to sex?

Try doing it about 3 or 4 times in a row some time and you'll see.

Then do about 100 deep knee bends, followed by as many burpees. That might give you a vague idea of how a woman feels when she's just done having a baby.

> Androgeny is bullshit!
> Asexuality is not a valid survival mechanism!

You don't want to see the way I dress at a gathering.

- Butterfly Bill

Get Your Private, Free Email at

Subject: CyberGoddess replies :-)
Date: August 25, 1997

Musings from the Muse: Please sing this aloud while reading your e-mail

Eve's Apple Blues (in E)

I've got a hard drive baby and you've just got a floppy disk. (2x)
I've got more megabytes of RAM, Power at my finger tips.

I can build you baby, I can build you in 3-D.
I can build you baby, virtual reality.
I can let you use my software, but what can you do for me?

I can light up all your icons, make all your systems crash.
But if you click and drag my cursor I'll drop your file into the trash.
Cause I've got a hard drive...

No matter what your platform, honey we can interface (2X)
I know all of your programs, I can put you in your place.
Cause I got a hard drive......

You've got your tree of knowledge, but where'd you get this hierarchy? (2x)
This is a binary system, its on or off for you and me.
Cause I got a hard drive .....

Don't you be givin' me none of that MS-DOS!

Amused yet annoyed by the feminist baiting...:Digital:Deb : D

From: Roger Parness
Subject: CyberGoddess replies :-)
Date: August 27, 1997

Oh Goddess I'm In LLLLLove!

From: Jah CrustifariMD
Subject: goddessmyass
Date: August 27, 1997

Stare into my eyes. You are hypmotized and mesmowized. Bend to my will.
Obey my every whim. Down with the anticrust.
Crusty rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From: Roger Parness
Subject: goddessmyasscont
Date: August 27, 1997

Wake Up! You were vile toward James and now you seek power from prejudice.

From: Jah CrustifariMD
Subject: Goddessmyass- WHAT????
Date: August 27, 1997

Stare into my eyes. You are hypmotized and mesmowized. Bend to my will.
Obey my every whim. Down with the anticrust.

From: Carla
Subject: Goddessmyass- WHAT????
Date: August 27, 1997

Crusty Rules
I will obey men

From: Roger Parness
Subject: goddessmyass
Date: August 27, 1997

I love you. No wait I hate you your a wiser guy than me. Tearing apart diatribes by dumb shits is too easy. How about actually debating something intelligent on this previously mundane news group. Pain vs. pleasure didn’t go very far. How about questioning why woman of the liberated generation turned out just as self centered and ignorant as their mothers. How about an IQ requirement for motherhood? Funny how women are welcome at a Rainbow mens' circle but naughty naughty for the grunt that tries the holy holy womens circle. Transvestites welcome. though. Come in drag maybe but leave your lingam in your tent brother.

From: Bavmorda13
Subject: goddessmyass
Date: August 28, 1997

In article <5trhb2$1vj$>, (Roger Parness) writes:

> love you. No wait I hate you your a wiser guy than me. Tearing apart diatribes by dumb shits is too easy. How about actually debating something intelligent on this previously mundane news group. Pain vs. pleasure didn’t go very far. How about questioning why woman of the liberated generation turned out just as self centered and ignorant as their mothers. How about an IQ requirement for motherhood?

I don’t understand how lumping all women together into one group and judging us as all self centered is going to make anything better. I’ve seen about the same percentage of nasty women as I have seen of nasty men. It doesn’t matter what sex they are, in the end, they are just nasty people. Labelling and judging people based on elements of their character is fine, but prejudging entire sexes of people is just plain wrong.

From: Jah CrustifariMD
Subject: goddessmyass
Date: August 28, 1997

Agreed. Elements of character are a valid measure of the individual, Nasty is a nice term for the terrible faults we see throughout our species. Yet Gods and Goddess' do walk the Earth today even as weak selfish conspiring devils inhabit women and men. Perhaps pain vs. pleasure is the same duality as demon vs angel. Perhaps my need for the female in my life is both fault and virtue. I just keep hoping that others will transcend the programming and cease being intellectually and emotional enslaved. Forgive me if my methods are confrontational and intense but my absolute committment to the Rainbow Family means I must demand mental clarity of my loved ones. Please define my insults as comedy. Thank you for your lucidity. I want Rainbow as an entirety and the newsgroup specifically to use their brains and address the conceptual even as they communicate amongst their beautiful loving selves.

Jah Love

From: Carla Newbre
Subject: CyberGoddess replies :-)
Date: August 28, 1997

> Oh Goddess I'm In LLLLLove!

Well, I should have known you'd be a two-timer. Though I gotta admit, she's good. How about a three-some? I can't stand to let you go ...

From: Jah CrustifariMD
Subject: CyberGoddess replies :-)
Date: August 28, 1997

Oh baby baby I got a hardon for your brain
Brain brain
I want to lick your cerebellum
Cerebellum cerebellum
Yeah sweet Goddess
I'd penetrate your moist lobe
Probe your pineal

I got a hardon for your brain
Brain brain
I want to pierce your concept
Concept concept

Yeah sweet goddess
I'd caress your cognition
Love your corpus

I got a hardon for your brain
Brain brain
I want to hump your crown chakra
Chakra chakra

Your ardent admirer

Laughing Bull

From: Carla Newbre
Subject: goddessmyasscont
Date: August 28, 1997

On Wed, 27 Aug 1997, Roger Parness wrote:

> Funny how women are welcome at a Rainbow mens' circle but naughty naughty for the grunt that tries the holy holy womens circle. Transvestites welcome. though. Come in drag maybe but leave your lingam in your tent brother.

That's because some of you don't know how to behave. We have this secret code that if you're wearing a skirt, you've been approved by our elite "This Guy is Okay" Council, in which both men and women are allowed to participate, but all must be wearing a cod-piece (and nothing else) during the voting rituals (which take 42 days to complete). Obviously, not many choose to take part, especially in winter.

So there,

Subject: scouting
Date: August 29, 1997

> i'd like to suggest that anyone interested in scouting Ariz. or anyone having an idea of where to look in AZ. please contact Art and I at thanksgiving (we will be at Cochise Stronghold)------------s

Hi Sailor....

Nice to hear from you. Cedar posted something about the cook off in here which I don't suppose you got. Where's the Stronghold ?

Peace and Love    FourCorners+Tribe.Rainbow    ironwood running bare

From: Gods Almighty
Subject: scouting
Date: August 30, 1997

Goo Goo
I am the world wide web wakened!
Goo Goo

From: Karl-Heinz Jackson
Subject: scouting
Date: August 30, 1997

Gods Almighty wrote:

> Goo Goo
> I am the world wide web wakened!
> Goo Goo

After reading this crap on several different threads, I find myself wishing that I had a magic wand that could magically transform all WebTVs back into Nintendos...

(Would I *do* it? Naaa...)

“There are two major products to come out of Berkeley: LSD and UNIX.
  We don’t believe this to be a coincidence.”  Steven Wright

From: Ellen Mill
Subject: scouting
Date: August 31, 1997

> After reading this crap on several different threads, I find myself wishing that I had a magic wand that could magically transform all WebTVs back into Nintendos...
> (Would I *do* it? Naaa...)

Sure is tempting though, ain' it? But... Nintendos?????

From: Gods Almighty
Subject: Goo Goo
Date: August 30, 1997

Goo Goo
I am the world wide web wakened!
Goo Goo


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