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Death Camp – part 3
From: bodhi
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 7, 2010
High Holies tackled a CHILD and threw her to the ground because she disturbed their “Peace” on some High Holy Day
yep .................
Alot of kidz are passing thru town on their way to the Regional in Washington.
This - as you can imagine - is the number one topic of conversation among the kidz
They say “How can an Elder behave like that?”
I answer, “Because these middle-age, middle-class angst-y householders that come to gatherings pretending to be “Spiritual Elders” are not Elders at all.. Most might have to spend the next 10 to 15 years working REALLY HARD before they even qualify as a “Spiritual Elders” Just because your beard has a touch of grey doesn’t make you an “Elder” - just a “High Holie”
It’s because of the generational make-up of our gatherings.
“Traditionally the spiritual life of a Hindu is divided into four Ashramas (phases or stages). The first part of one’s life, Brahmacharya, the stage as a student, is spent in celibate, controlled, sober and pure contemplation under the guidance of a Guru, building up the mind for spiritual knowledge.”
ahhhhhhh ....... OK .....most of our so-called “Spiritual Elders” in the Rainbow Family spend their youths blowing grass and balling underage hippy chicks in back of their vans outside a Who concert. ..... not really an auspicious beginning for our “Rainbow Elders” on their spiritual trip but let’s proceed .....
“Grihastha is the householder’s stage, in which one marries and satisfies kama and artha in one’s married and professional life respectively (see the goals of life). The moral obligations of a Hindu householder include supporting one’s parents, children, guests and holy figures “
This is the spiritual stage of life most of our middle-age, middle class angst-y householder “Elders” are either in right now or leaving. The kids have barely left the house and many of our High Holies are are still hustling work because they’re not old enough et for Social Security. Our Elders very rarely bring their own kids to the gatherings because most of them are sullen and morose and all too aware of the faux-spiritual hypocrisy in the private life of most of these New Age-y “Elders” Life is suffering right?
Would you really want you kids to learn “spiritual wisdom” from some middle-age former substance abuser spouting new age claptrap?
Naw .... Here’s where the problems lies. Many of these kids witnessed first hand how the hypocritical the 60’s Generation became. They could see it in their parents.
They could see it in the householders who tackled that girl to the ground on the 4th.
Now ...
“Vanaprastha, the retirement stage, is gradual detachment from the material world. This may involve giving over duties to one’s children, spending more time in religious practices and embarking on holy pilgrimages.”
Well, I guess leaving a New Age-y town like Santa Fe in your car to cross a couple of states might be considered a “holy pilgrimage”
but seriously .... who is kidding who??
“Vanaprastha” is the stage most of us Baby Boomers are in now. It’s a time to re-establish the spiritual goals and committments of youth that were sacrificed when you were raising kids and working the day shift. You can ADVISE kids on practical matters but how the hell can you act all fucking high holy and wise when you’re at the beginning of a spiritual path yourself??
“Finally, in Sannyasa, the stage of asceticism, one renounces all worldly attachments to secludedly find the Divine through detachment from worldly life and peacefully shed the body for Moksha.”
Yep, and I tell these Rainbow kidz of ours that the Rainbow High Holies won’t be reaching that stage of life until at least 75 0r 80.
When you see our Rainbow Elders at that point in their lives it’s a safe bet that after 10 - 20 years of rugged asceticism most won’t be quoting New Age claptrap to impressionable kidz.
or tackling a little girl at a peace gathering
-----------------From: hj st
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 7, 2010
On Aug 7, 9:23 pm, bodhi <> wrote:
> High Holies tackled a CHILD and threw her to the ground because she disturbed their “Peace” on some High Holy Day
> yep .................
> Alot of kidz are passing thru town on their way to the Regional in Washington.
> This - as you can imagine - is the number one topic of conversation among the kidz
maybe you were watching different videos,.. besides, that one agro dude is a wing nut,... why not broad brush some more. what the fuck. really.
From: thistle-m
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 8, 2010
On Aug 8, 12:51 am, hj st <> wrote:
> maybe you were watching different videos,.. besides, that one agro dude is a wing nut,... why not broad brush some more. what the fuck. really.
Let me attempt to paraphrase b’s post.
b posted *paraphrased*
(hmmm, how can I twist this story to piss off people on agr and get them to pay attention to me? I know, I’ll slander the “elders”)
From: sagetea
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 8, 2010
On Aug 8, 1:31 am, thistle-m <> wrote:
> (hmmm, how can I twist this story to piss off people on agr and get them to pay attention to me? I know, I’ll slander the “elders”)
Bee subscribes to the Glenn Beck school of focalizing.
From: Sherman Forte
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 8, 2010
“thistle-m” <> wrote in message
> (hmmm, how can I twist this story to piss off people on agr and get them to pay attention to me? I know, I’ll slander the “elders”)
“elders” are just horny old stoned fuckwads, yet you kiss their ass
From: Joe the Plumber
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 8, 2010
‘The right to swing my fist ends where the other man’s nose begins.’
Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes
Did the little sister step over that line first? Just wondering. I was ooommming.
Some people need a lot more love. Maybe duct tape too? Guess not, but tempting.
I was fairly happy with the circle on the 4th personally. Anyone else near the firecracker comment?
From: bodhi
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 8, 2010
On Aug 7, 11:31 pm, thistle-m <> wrote:
> Let me attempt to paraphrase b’s post.
Let’s not I think my words can stand on their own, thank you very much
> b posted *paraphrased*
> (hmmm, how can I twist this story to piss off people on agr and get them to pay attention to me?
You go ahead and believe that Thistle if it floats yer boat..but it’s that condescending attitude of yours that validates my original post.
> I know, I’ll slander the “elders”
What “elders” are you talking about? Do you mean the bad parents and worse teachers that sit around in lawn chairs at gatherings spewing new age claptrap and spreading vicious gossip while expecting young people to cook them meals and tend their fires for the “privilege” of listening to their “pearls of wisdom”??
Does anyone really wonder why our young people despise us and why they support Death Camp???
From: Butterfly Bill
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 8, 2010
bodhi <> wrote:
> This - as you can imagine - is the number one topic of conversation among the kidz
> They say “How can an Elder behave like that?”
I will repeat here what I said in the council on the 4th to the child who was tackled after she had asked the circle a few speakers before what was wrong with throwing smoke bombs. “A smoke bomb is an incendiary device, and it can start fires. People get very up tight about fires starting, enough that they might want to tackle somebody they think is going to start one.”
Shortly before she was surrounded, she threw a smoke bomb near the polem and it started a clump of dried grass on fire. Somebody immediately stomped it out with his shoe, but it still could have got out of control.
This justifies physical restraint in the eyes of many people. I agree that it was not done very well.
- BB
From: sagetea
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 8, 2010
On Aug 8, 12:30 pm, bodhi <> wrote:
> Does anyone really wonder why our young people despise us and why they support Death Camp???
I few may, but the majority do not.
From: Tha Billdozer
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 8, 2010
On Aug 8, 8:42 am, Joe the Plumber <> wrote:
> ‘The right to swing my fist ends where the other man’s nose begins.’ Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes
> Did the little sister step over that line first? Just wondering. I was ooommming.
Does it really matter ?? violence in any form has no place at a “peace” gathering... AND, brothers are not to perpetrate violence upon their sisters.
> Some people need a lot more love. Maybe duct tape too? Guess not, but tempting.
Kidnapping and false imprisonment have no place at a “peace” gathering.
Back in 1994 a drainbow killed my then roommate and friend Curtis... the guy showed up to the next national in NM.
There were many that wanted to exact such “justice” upon him...and trust me it was tempting to let such violence be done to him... but, I told those that wanted to that it was not the time nor place as it was not a peaceful means of him getting what he deserved.
He was eventually arrested, tried, and convicted... he got out a couple years ago... even today if people wanted to do him harm at a gathering for what he did I would not let it happen.
Not sure why people haven’t gotten the message that gatherings are not the forum to bring violent behavior... YET, year after year people get pissed about the level of presence of law enfarcement... Hmmm, I wonder why ??
Could it be that gatherings are not about peace after all ??
> I was fairly happy with the circle on the 4th personally. Anyone else near the firecracker comment?
Fireworks at a gathering are not good for 2 reasons.
1) being in the middle of the woods they could start a fire that could get out of control real fast and become extremely deadly for those in attendance, and
2) loud explosions are never conducive to peace.
From: susan m
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 8, 2010
On Aug 8, 6:42 am, Joe the Plumber <> wrote:
> I was fairly happy with the circle on the 4th personally. Anyone else near the firecracker comment?
here’s something i found while searching for another site>>>>
From: susan m
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 8, 2010
On Aug 8, 11:55 am, susan m <> wrote:
> here’s something i found while searching for another site>>>>’s sam (i am) doing the posting here...on a friend’s puter up here in southern nevada (but soon to be back in the mountains for a couple more days of recreating before heading back home)
From: sagetea
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 8, 2010
On Aug 8, 2:55 pm, susan m <> wrote:
> here’s something i found while searching for another site>>>>
They seem a bit miffed.
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 8, 2010
On Aug 8, 12:49 pm, sagetea <> wrote:
> They seem a bit miffed.
fuck them......they should have their kids taken from them and they should be prosecuted for child endangerment
From: sagetea
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 8, 2010
On Aug 8, 4:17 pm, “” wrote:
> fuck them......they should have their kids taken from them and they should be prosecuted for child endangerment
Whoever is posting for death camp is also broadcasting their intent on the net, This will work against them. The feddies from what i’ve hear, read this newsgroup, and might after that threat announcement of theirs,treat em like little domestic terrorists. Flattening tires and poisoning people is serious indeed.
From: Tha Billdozer
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 8, 2010
On Aug 8, 3:46 pm, sagetea <> wrote:
> Whoever is posting for death camp is also broadcasting their intent on the net, This will work against them.
looks as if that blog has been removed.
From: sagetea
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 8, 2010
On Aug 8, 5:08 pm, Tha Billdozer <> wrote:
> looks as if that blog has been removed.
Too late, cats outta the bag.
From: sagetea
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 8, 2010
On Aug 8, 5:15 pm, sagetea <> wrote:
> Too late, cats outta the bag.
It’s a while until washington state. Perhaps winter will allow time for cooler heads to prevail.
From: bodhi
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 8, 2010
On Aug 8, 11:07 am, Butterfly Bill <> wrote:
> This justifies physical restraint in the eyes of many people.
Bullshit. Throwing smoke bombs is something children DO. Attacking a child is something authoritarian fascist assholes do.
You can justify this incident all you want but the simple fact remains that many of our so-called “Elders” in the Rainbow Family ARE authoritarian assholes who are completely unable to deal with the young adults in our Family.
Do you want to know how many times the Rainbow Family had to Shanta Sena a fight in a “Pirate Kitchen” verses how many time Shanta Sena was called on an “Elder” in these kitchens because the “Elder” went berserk over a dirty dish station?
This incident is a wake up call BB, and cannot be easily dismissed - at least among the young kids
> I agree that it was not done very well.
Right .... the more you justify the incident by saying “They’re BAD kids” or “the smoke bomb would’ve burnt down the WHOLE forest” the more I suspect it’s because our Elders have lost any kind of moral responsibility and respect among the young people in our Family and have resorted to becoming self-righteous cops.
Alot of kids heading to Washington are wishing and hoping no “Rainbow Elders” show up to the Regional there. This is not a result of simply the 4th of July incident but a response to years of yelling and screaming “Elders” trying to impose their will on others.
From: sagetea
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 8, 2010
On Aug 8, 5:54 pm, bodhi <> wrote:
> Alot of kids heading to Washington are wishing and hoping no “Rainbow Elders” show up to the Regional there.
Are you saying that those with touches of grey in their hair are persona non-gratis?
From: Butterfly Bill
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 8, 2010
bodhi <> wrote:
> Bullshit. Throwing smoke bombs is something children DO.
And that’s why adults discipline them.
> Attacking a child is something authoritarian fascist assholes do.
That’s a common name to apply to anyone that that is enforcing discipline on you that you don’t like.
- BB
From: bodhi
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 8, 2010
On Aug 8, 4:02 pm, sagetea <> wrote:
> Are you saying that those with touches of grey in their hair are persona non-gratis?
More like useless fossils LOL!
I do know these kids have told me that they will not tolerate some half naked “elder” yelling and screaming in their kitchen over a dirty wash station. Nor are they going to feed a bunch of lawn chair lounging “Elders” who feel their greatest achievement to the Regional is spouting new age-y philosophy and yelling at kids over their dirty dish station.
I would advise these “Elders” to leave their fucking lawn chairs at home and sit on a log like the rest of us. I also would advise these “Elders” to come to the Regional prepared to haul water and cut wood. If they are physiologically unable to perform these tasks then there’s always dishes and pots in the dish station that need to be washed (ie: Don’t complain - do it yourself) Any “Elder” having trouble with these requests need to stay home and work on their self-righteous attitude and why they attend gatherings in the first place.
These kids have told me they have lost patiences having to stroke egos.
From: sagetea
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 8, 2010
There are those who treat their personal chairs like bmw’s . Unless you own em you can’t sit in em.
From: Tha Billdozer
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 8, 2010
On Aug 8, 5:11 pm, Butterfly Bill <> wrote:
> > Attacking a child is something authoritarian fascist assholes do.
> That’s a common name to apply to anyone that that is enforcing discipline on you that you don’t like.
Sorry, but I have to agree with Bodhi on this one... I do not care what or who a person thinks they are... if you put a violent hand on my child you will be leaving in an ambulance... it really is just that simple.
An adult has no right to physically harm a child... there is no justification for such action.
And this happened at a supposed “peace” gathering ?? parents should take this as a heads up that violence against children is condoned and openly advocated at these events.
From: bodhi
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 8, 2010
On Aug 8, 4:11 pm, Butterfly Bill <> wrote:
> > Bullshit. Throwing smoke bombs is something children DO.
> And that’s why adults discipline them.
Really? Tackling a child and throwing her on the ground is “discipline?” Such behavior in Babylon would’ve had you arrested for child abuse. - even if you were the parent. I could just see you trying to explain in a court of law that. “Well your honor we needed three strong men to tackle this child and pin her to the ground because you see .... that smoke bomb could’ve SET THE WHOLE FOREST ON FIRE!!!”
What utter bullshit. The mother of that child should’ve had all you arrested. BTW the “black khaki crowd” as you call them are in complete solidarity with Death Camp. I wouldn’t be surprised if the whole “silence” next year will sound like Beruit on a warm summer night
> > Attacking a child is something authoritarian fascist assholes do.
> That’s a common name to apply to anyone that that is enforcing discipline on you that you don’t like.
These “Elders” put their hands on a child and pinned her to the ground. I rarely agree with O’Leary but he’s right in this regard - putting your hands on a child in that manner is kidnapping and false imprisonment and the perpetrators ought to be in jail. Maybe Bubba in Cell Block C will teach these “Elders” to keep their hands off of kids.
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 8, 2010
On Aug 8, 3:52 pm, Tha Billdozer <> wrote:
> Sorry, but I have to agree with Bodhi on this one... I do not care what or who a person thinks they are... if you put a violent hand on my child you will be leaving in an ambulance... it really is just that simple.
hmmm tweeker they have imaginary childeren now at the imaginary girl friend store
> An adult has no right to physically harm a child... there is no justification for such action. And this happened at a supposed “peace” gathering ?? parents should take this as a heads up that violence against children is condoned and openly advocated at these events.
yeah ...but tweeker bill thinks it is perfectly correct to push his way into a disabled womans home where is was not invited ....and threaten and harrass that woman to the point that he endangers her life .. cause he knows best watch ==>
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 8, 2010
On Aug 8, 3:53 pm, bodhi <> wrote:
> These “Elders” put their hands on a child and pinned her to the ground. I rarely agree with O’Leary but he’s right in this regard - putting your hands on a child in that manner is kidnapping and false imprisonment and the perpetrators ought to be in jail. Maybe Bubba in Cell Block C will teach these “Elders” to keep their hands off of kids.
> namaste;
> bodhi
you agree with this guy..?=====>>
Id trust buterfly bills account before Id every listen to ANYTHING tweeker bill thought....
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 8, 2010
On Aug 8, 3:53 pm, bodhi <> wrote:
> These “Elders” put their hands on a child and pinned her to the ground.
did you see this happen bodhi or are you just reporting what youve been told ....I watched the video...and Ive read eyewitness accounts and none of them jive with your interpretation....and of course bills perspective is twisted bullshit ... but whats new thats what a brain injury and exssessive tweekyness will do for ya ...never trust a tweeker to get anything straight...right tweeker bill===>>
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 8, 2010
On Aug 8, 3:53 pm, bodhi <> wrote:
> I rarely agree with O’Leary but he’s right in this regard - putting your hands on a child in that manner is kidnapping and false imprisonment and the perpetrators ought to be in jail.
oh yeah ,.,.....and the mother of that child should be arrested herself for child nieglect
From: Tha Billdozer
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 8, 2010
On Aug 8, 5:55 pm, “” <> wrote:
> yeah ...but tweeker bill thinks it is perfectly correct to push his way into a disabled womans home where is was not invited ..
Boy, here we go again with your lies... and you call me a liar ?? every time you post this you are lying... it was not her house\as she was there as a non-paying guest.
AND, I did not need to be invited in since I was already inside the house and was there at the request of the lease holder... so continue to post your lies and people will come to know you as a liar.
> and threaten and harrass that woman to the point that he endangers her life ..
her life was never in danger... but hey, you keep making up lies... people will come to see you for the liar you are... BTW, I see the good citizens of Washington State defied you... HAHAHA !!! better luck next time you try to dictate what others can do.
From: Karin Zirk
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 8, 2010
As to what happened at the peace pole, the videos circulating don’t even show what happened at least none of them I’ve seen. Most of this entire situation happened because some people under the age of 18 were throwing firecrackers into a crowd of people and it was over by the time the video kicked in. If someone has video from the beginning that I haven’t seen, please let me know where it is.
As to Bodhi, he was taken out of the California Gathering in 2004 for violating a restraining order against him that was issued for domestic violence so I guess that shows us where he lands on the side of violence.
I still don’t know exactly what happened. this year at the peace pole when people landed on the ground as I was a few feet away when people started hitting the ground and did not have a clear view of exactly what happened. No one was injured however. Armchair quarterbacks can shut the fuck up.
Many of us were trying to keep people back and let the kids stand around the peace pole, scream and be ignored. (A perfect place as most year’s on the 4th, half the people on my Shanti Sena watch list are the ones standing around the pole.)
Personally I don’t find it acceptable for anyone to throw firecrackers of any sort into a crowd of seated people. Most people just tried to get out of the way, but myself and others tried to and did confiscate many firecrackers. Some how during that, people ended up on the ground and some of those people included a person under the age of 18. I’m not that great with numbers, but out of the 2 to 4,000 people who were there, only 1 or 2 adults acted inappropriately in my opinion.
As to the kids, Samantha (if I’m remember her name correctly) told us straight up before the council on July 4th (after the silence was over) that their goal was to piss a bunch of people off and see if they could get the gathering to react to them. They succeeded.
As to the people who say kids should be allowed to do what they want, when someone under the age of 18 is pointing a loaded gun at you, I’m guessing you want me to ignore that as well.
Getting pissed off in San Diego,
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 8, 2010
On Aug 8, 4:06 pm, Tha Billdozer <> wrote:
> Boy, here we go again with your lies... and you call me a liar ?? every time you post this you are lying... it was not her house\as she was there as a non-paying guest.
hmm this from the guy who was t hrown off the property after squating without permission and shitting in a bucket..who left that bucket for someone else to clean up...and correct me if Im wrong tweeker bill ... they were allowed by the o wner to saty in that trailer LONG after you where thrown off the property..... who who had a right to be where tweeker bill....comeone ... you call me a ;iar yet youve been caught by not only myself but by many many others here on this forum having you point a finger at me calling me a liar is like having hitler pointging fingers at me and calling me antisemitic...LOLOL
> AND, I did not need to be invited in since I was already inside the house and was there at the request of the lease holder... so continue to post your lies and people will come to know you as a liar.
says you ...a known proven liar...woodstock and swan who were living there tell a diffrent story ...who do you figure anyone is gong to blieve
> her life was never in danger... but hey, you keep making up lies... people will come to see you for the liar you are... BTW, I see the good citizens of Washington State defied you... HAHAHA !!! better luck next time you try to dictate what others can do.
not at all...they are having the regional that I encouraged them to have ....if youwanted to draw any conclusion from that the only conclusion left for you would be that they were complying with my suggestion...LOLOL... you lose tweeker bill... you always lose...thats becuase your a loser tweeker bill... whats new.... youcan say what ever you want.... but the video doesnt lie ....its factual evidence acceptible in acourt of law watch it foryourself
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 8, 2010
On Aug 8, 4:22 pm, "Karin Zirk" <> wrote:
> Getting pissed off in San Diego,
dont let the bastards get ya down karin....thats their objective ....dont let them achieve it
From: Butterfly Bill
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 8, 2010
bodhi <> wrote:
> Really? Tackling a child and throwing her on the ground is “discipline?” Such behavior in Babylon would’ve had you arrested for child abuse. - even if you were the parent. I could just see you trying to explain in a court of law that. “Well your honor we needed three strong men to tackle this child and pin her to the ground because you see .... that smoke bomb could’ve SET THE WHOLE FOREST ON FIRE!!!”
They wrestled her to the ground. Nobody hit her or maimed her in any way. I sat as close as five feet away from her in the council, and I didn’t see any bruises or cuts on her. Wrestling someone to the ground to restrain has been the preferred means of subduing by not only Shanti Sena, but many other bar and event security cultures. You keep saying “attacked her”. I would be more inclined to call it defense. They were doing everythying they could think of to provoke the people in the crowd, and when it turned out they succeeded with maybe a dozen out of the hundreds of people there, they’re whining “poor children” when the things that most sensible people think would happen actually did. I want to know what kind of mother would make their kids do something which is an obvious endangerment to them, just to get off her feelings of revenge on the Rainbow Family.
- BB
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 8, 2010
On Aug 8, 4:26 pm, Butterfly Bill <> wrote:
> They were doing everythying they could think of to provoke the people in the crowd, and when it turned out they succeeded with maybe a dozen out of the hundreds of people there, they’re whining “poor children” when the things that most sensible people think would happen actually did. I want to know what kind of mother would make their kids do something which is an obvious endangerment to them, just to get off her feelings of revenge on the Rainbow Family.
thats how these kids have been trained to behave by their mother ...theyve stood on main trail....throw urine at people ...thrown feces at people ...kicked guys in the balls ...attacked people stold then broke camera...and if someone so much at reacts to them they scream that theve been sexually assualted ...its a scam ...its a shame and something has to be done about it ...frankly little can be done at the gathering in regards to the children...BUT there are things that can be done regarding the adult who are responsible forthose children...for one they can be reported to the law and cps ...they can be held accountible for the actions of their children and they can be arrested for child endangerment and failing to properly supervise those kids ....this is what think should happen...and like always tweeker bill should be ignored
From: Sanity
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 8, 2010
On Aug 8, 4:22 pm, “Karin Zirk” <> wrote:
> Personally I don’t find it acceptable for anyone to throw firecrackers of any sort into a crowd of seated people. Most people just tried to get out of the way, but myself and others tried to and did confiscate many firecrackers. Some how during that, people ended up on the ground and some of those people included a person under the age of 18. I’m not that great with numbers, but out of the 2 to 4,000 people who were there, only 1 or 2 adults acted inappropriately in my opinion.
Sounds like a rational reaction to me. :^)
Sanity <chuckling>
From: thistle-m
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 8, 2010
On Aug 8, 7:22 pm, “Karin Zirk” <> wrote:
> As to the kids, Samantha (if I'm remember her name correctly) told us straight up before the council on July 4th (after the silence was over) that their goal was to piss a bunch of people off and see if they could get the gathering to react to them. They succeeded.
This is a joke thread as are all threads started by b. He took this incident he knows virtually nothing about, created a distorted way to frame it, and used the most incendiary and provocative terms to get a fight started, as is sop for him.
The vast majority of young people at the gathering are rational, sensible, kind people and would never blame an entire group of people for the actions of a small minority. Even if a few “elders” behaved badly most people, no matter what their ages wouldn’t blame all “elders.”
I’ve sat with young people and heard some stories of death camp kids and most are just as upset and frustrated by their antics as the middle aged and older people.
The reason this thread was created by b is to get a fight started. Its not to discuss the incident, its not to find out the whole story, its not to explore ideas or to seek ways to improve the situation.
The whole reason for this thread is to insult and slander as broadly and deeply as possible a group of people b thinks the rest of us here will defend thereby provoking a gigantic flame war. That’s who he is, that’s what he does, all the time.
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 8, 2010
On Aug 8, 2:43 pm, Tha Billdozer <> wrote:
> Does it really matter ?? violence in any form has no place at a “peace” gathering... AND, brothers are not to perpetrate violence upon their sisters.
That’s laughable considering the source. It was you who threatened to kill Erin... that fact was verified even though you deny it. Is it not you who call women cunts, bitches and make perpetual mother jokes on here? That is abuse in my book. You weren’t very non-violent to Swan in her own residence but instead chose to harass her to the point of her getting sick. In short, your words are nonsense considering the source, Preacha Bill. Preacha... suck a joke.
> Back in 1994 a drainbow killed my then roommate and friend Curtis...
Sez you... nothing you type can be believed...
> There were many that wanted to exact such “justice” upon him...and trust me it was tempting to let such violence be done to him... but, I told those that wanted to that it was not the time nor place as it was not a peaceful means of him getting what he deserved.
Yes, Bill the peacemaker... Am I the only one finding that hard to believe?
> Not sure why people haven’t gotten the message that gatherings are not the forum to bring violent behavior
But this forum is? How many times have you challenged people on this forum to come to Texas to kick their ass?
I’m ROFLing..... you so funny!
> Could it be that gatherings are not about peace after all ??
Nope - you should try going to one sometime rather than preach on here about what is wrong with them.
From: az whistler
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 8, 2010
On Aug 8, 6:40 pm, sagetea <> wrote:
> There are those who treat their personal chairs like bmw’s . Unless you own em you can’t sit in em.
I consider a “chair” to be a necessity (have for years) and am severely and uncomfortably “inconvenienced” when some drunk idiot, uncaring moron, or overly large dimwit breaks MY chair. I try and always bring several spares and am happy to facilitate multiple “public” chairs. Anyone breaking someone else’s chair at a gath should be hobbled for the duration,
From: Tha Billdozer
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 8, 2010
On Aug 8, 6:22 pm, “Karin Zirk” <> wrote:
> As to the people who say kids should be allowed to do what they want, when someone under the age of 18 is pointing a loaded gun at you, I’m guessing you want me to ignore that as well.
These kids were not pointing loaded guns... my grand-dad had a simple rule... do not hit a woman or a child.
UNLESS, they have a weapon at which time they are not a woman or a child they are a combatant and should be dealt with as such... but, then again he was military trained and fought in 2 wars.
If there is an issue if public safety on the land YOU ARE NOT THE AUTHORITIES... there are cops all over the place at gatherings... use of fireworks within a national park is illegal... LET THE AUTHORITIES DEAL WITH IT.
A day or 3 in jail should take their minds off such stupidity... DO NOT TOUCH A CHILD IN A VIOLENT MANNER... it really is just that simple.
> Getting pissed off in San Diego,
Great, now use that energy for something useful.
From: Sanity
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 8, 2010
On Aug 8, 5:45 pm, thistle-m <> wrote:
> The reason this thread was created by b is to get a fight started. Its not to discuss the incident, its not to find out the whole story, its not to explore ideas or to seek ways to improve the situation.
> The whole reason for this thread is to insult and slander as broadly and deeply as possible a group of people b thinks the rest of us here will defend thereby provoking a gigantic flame war. That's who he is, that's what he does, all the time.
Bodhi has his moments, but I agree this wasn’t one of them. “That’s who he is, that’s what he does, ALL THE TIME.” [emphasis mine] tars with too broad a brush IMO.
Does Bob’s Church of Unlimited Slack ordain? Anybelly know?
From: Butterfly Bill
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 8, 2010
Sanity <> wrote:
> Does Bob’s Church of Unlimited Slack ordain? Anybelly know?
You have to send in enough money.
- BB
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 8, 2010
On Aug 8, 6:17 pm, Tha Billdozer <> wrote:
> These kids were not pointing loaded guns... my grand-dad had a simple rule... do not hit a woman or a child.
no they are throwing shit and piss on people ...stealing and breaking cameras ...kicking guys in the nust then screaming child molester when anyonerespondes ....
> Great, now use that energy for something useful.
if theses kids were to ever confront tweeker bill in the same way they attack others at the gathering we all know he wouldnt be so ‘peacefull” it has been said one on here has made more violent threats then tweeker bill.......Id love to see him react to having human shit thrown on him...or piss thrown in his face ...or see him get kicked in the nuts by a preteen girl...or have his laptop taken and broken right in front of him.... we ALL know that he wouldnt be mister peaceful....if hed invade a disabled womans home and throw a fit like weve allseen on the video “Tweeker bills greatest hits” then we can all prettey well conclude hoow it would react ...and then it would be tweeker bill who would need to be duct taped and taken to the copos .....and that would be a video we would all enjjoy....LOLOL...but alass this is the only one we have at the moment lets enjoy it untill the next one comes out ,,,and IM sure there will be another ===>>
From: Tha Billdozer
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 8, 2010
On Aug 8, 6:23 pm, “” <> wrote:
> hmm this from the guy who was t hrown off the property after squating without permission and shitting in a bucket..
You are lying again... but hey, for a habitual liar why am I not surprised... you have made up a story that never happened and will continue to tell it thinking that some day people will see your lie as truth.
> who left that bucket for someone else to clean up...
I was not allowed to clean up... had I been allowed to I would have.
> and correct me if Im wrong
You have been corrected numerous times yet you continue to post your lies... so why stop now ??
> they were allowed by the o wner to saty in that trailer LONG after you where thrown off the property.....
Were you hit in the head with a cast iron pan as a child ?? it does not matter that HE was allowed to stay there.
But hey, you have spun your lies and have no intentions of ever telling the truth.
> who who had a right to be where
within the 1st 30 days I did... they were NON-PAYING GUESTS... but you know that already.
> you call me a ;iar
OK, you are a liar... and, by your own standards you were not there so your take on things does not matter... you will of course continue to spin your lies.
> yet youve been caught by not only myself but by many many others here on this forum lieing....
Really, proof ?? just becuz some stoner, junkie, or alcoholic says I am a liar does not make it true.
> so having you point a finger at me calling me a liar is like having hitler pointging fingers at me and calling me antisemitic...
well, your hatred of Jews has been a topic at certain camps at gatherings... so I guess again by your standards that makes you a liar.
> says you ...a known proven liar...woodstock and swan who were living there tell a diffrent story ..
a chronic alcoholic scam artist and a woman that claims to be disabled are your source ?? best find a better source to base your lies on.
> .who do you figure anyone is gong to blieve
Well, people that were actually there... unlike you... believe me... Hmmm, odd how they do not believe them.
> not at all...they are having the regional that I encouraged them to have ...
Right, the story all over the internet is different.
> if you wanted to draw any conclusion from that the only conclusion left for you would be that they were complying with my suggestion...
Really, directions to that gathering are posted all over the Internet including on here... you and Adams told them that they were not supposed to post it on the Internet... I guess they did not take kindly to your intimidation tactics.
From: sagetea
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 8, 2010
On Aug 8, 8:58 pm, whistler <> wrote:
> I consider a “chair” to be a necessity (have for years) and am severely and uncomfortably “inconvenienced” when some drunk idiot, uncaring moron, or overly large dimwit breaks MY chair. I try and always bring several spares and am happy to facilitate multiple “public” chairs. Anyone breaking someone else’s chair at a gath should be hobbled for the duration,
Bringing extras so others can be comfortable is a good thing. For those who are heavy handed, durability seems the key.
From: Tha Billdozer
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 8, 2010
On Aug 8, 6:26 pm, Butterfly Bill <> wrote:
> They wrestled her to the ground. Nobody hit her or maimed her in any way.
How would you react if it were your child being “wrestled to the ground” by several adults ?? I can tell ya what my reaction would be... ya best be packing becuz if not you would soon contain more lead than a #2 pencil.
> I sat as close as five feet away from her in the council, and I didn’t see any bruises or cuts on her.
So you continue to condone such violent behavior... duly noted.
> Wrestling someone to the ground to restrain
under US criminal code is constitutes false imprisonment and 3rd degree battery of a minor child... you condoning such violent acts are duly noted and will be pointed out to parents.
> has been the preferred means of subduing by not only Shanti Sena, but many other bar and event security cultures
Some day I hope you do this to a child and a pissed off parent takes the law into their own hands and blows your fucking head off.
> You keep saying “attacked her” I would be more inclined to call it defense.
> They were doing everythying they could think of to provoke the people in the crowd, and when it turned out they succeeded with maybe a dozen out of the hundreds of people there,
OK, so from what was posted people were aware that these kids were intending to do this.... and that people tried to dissuade them from this action... and that failed.
OK, at that time it is out of your hands... the use of violent restraint against a minor is not something you want to play with.
> they’re whining “poor children” when the things that most sensible people think would happen actually did. I want to know what kind of mother would make their kids do something which is an obvious endangerment to them,
WELL, it would seem from what I have learned over the past couple of weeks is that these people were severely fucked over by drainbows... and this is their way of repaying “rainbow”... can not say that I blame them.
Maybe “rainbow” needs to evaluate why such things happen... or why chaos and discord seems to pervade gatherings.
> just to get off her feelings of revenge on the Rainbow Family.
Hey, if drainbows had not fucked her over... ya know, actually acted like true peaceful and loving people.... then maybe they would not see a reason to exact revenge.
I dealt with the guy that killed Curtis the way it should have been dealt with.... he went to jail for a good long time.... this lady is dealing the way that she wants.
The trick is not to answer violence with violence.... OR, condoning the assault of a minor.
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 8, 2010
On Aug 8, 6:41 pm, Tha Billdozer <> wrote:
> > hmm this from the guy who was t hrown off the property after squating without permission and shitting in a bucket..
> You are lying again... but hey, for a habitual liar why am I not surprised... you have made up a story that never happened and will continue to tell it thinking that some day people will see your lie as truth.
people know the truth when they see it ...thats why no one every believes anything yousay...and you know it
> > who left that bucket for someone else to clean up...
> I was not allowed to clean up... had I been allowed to I would have.
so you were thrown off the property...yet woodstock and swan were aloowed to stay...that pretty well sums it up
> > and correct me if Im wrong
> You have been corrected numerous times yet you continue to post your lies... so why stop now ??
not yet I havent
> > they were allowed by the o wner to saty in that trailer LONG after you where thrown off the property.....
> Were you hit in the head with a cast iron pan as a child ?? it does not matter that HE was allowed to stay there.
it matters that both of them were allowed ot stay and you were thrown off .....what part of thrown off dont you get tweeker bill
yet the owner allowed them to stay...doesnt matter whether or not they had ppaid ,,,they were allowed to stay and you were t hrown off
thats not your business ...thats the land owners business ...yet he threw you off and allowed them to stay...that speaks volumes about them....and even more about you
> But hey, you have spun your lies and have no intentions of ever telling the truth.
oy would be obvious to a blind 3 year old that you spin lies then accuse others of doingthe same ...Ive spun no oies and no one but you accuses me of lying....infact others have pointed outto you your lies and supportted me ...suckes to have no friends doesnt it tweeker bill
> > who who had a right to be where
> within the 1st 30 days I did... they were NON-PAYING GUESTS... but you know that already
doesnt matter ... they were allowed to stay there ... you were not .. you had no right...but your own statement to be in THEIR home ... you were tresspassing .
> > you call me a ;iar
> > OK, you are a liar... and, by your own standards you were not there so your take on things does not matter... you will of course continue to spin your lies.
Idont have to be there ...I have the video suppported by your own pathetic explaination and by woodstock and swan....
> > yet youve been caught by not only myself but by many many others here on this forum lieing....
> > Really, proof ?? just becuz some stoner, junkie, or alcoholic says I am a liar does not make it true.
so every one BUT you here on agr are tweekers stoners alcoholics or junkies .... you better retake a look at the page on personality disoderes and pic your favorite... you demondtrate qualites from every catagory
> > so having you point a finger at me calling me a liar is like having hitler pointging fingers at me and calling me antisemitic...
> > well, your hatred of Jews has been a topic at certain camps at gatherings... so I guess again by your standards that makes you a liar.
really.... by whom...the orthodox rabbi that lived with me and taught me for 3 years ... or my jweish friend lavey from denton texas...or his daughter eva....or my friends at the jewish camp who eat my food becuase they know they can trust me that its kosher..??... ....or maybe rabbi sutton who you claim gave you a jewish name ...yet had no clue who you were when Iasked him about you ...
> > says you ...a known proven liar...woodstock and swan who were living there tell a diffrent story ..
> a chronic alcoholic scam artist and a woman that claims to be disabled are your source ?? best find a better source to base your lies on.
yet isnt it funny that everyone believes him and no one ./..I repeat no one believes you ..odd isnt it
> > who do you figure anyone is gong to blieve
>Well, people that were actually there... unlike you... believe me... Hmmm, odd how they do not believe them.
name just one ...
> > not at all...they are having the regional that I encouraged them to have ...
> Right, the story all over the internet is different.
> > if you wanted to draw any conclusion from that the only conclusion left for you would be that they were complying with my suggestion...
> Really, directions to that gathering are posted all over the Internet including on here... you and Adams told them that they were not supposed to post it on the Internet... I guess they did not take kindly to your intimidation tactics.
I leave this one up to micheal thistle who has posted several times pippies quote stateing plainly that I and chuck and the rest of the montana family treated them great ... youve read it .... youve seen it ... and ignored it..ignored the truth becuase it doesnt suppport your hatred and rage ... but by doingso youve proven again that you never let the truth get in the way of your hatred and your lies .... ( your turn to have fun micheal)...whe it comes to indimadation olloney loves to pointg out one matches you ...problemis everyone ...EVERYONE ealizes whata joke you are tweeker bill... theres no one here who is weak minded enough or timid enough to be intimadated by you . ..when will you accept the simple fact tweeker bill that you ARE the agr JOKE ...WE ALL LAUGH ABOUT YOU BEHIND YOUR BACK AS WELL AS TOO YOUR FACE ... you are a FARCE,......a STOOGE...a laughing stock ... yet you come back day after day after day ... to be the brunt of our joke.... to be our punk.... and show us once again what a WILLING Idiot you are and that makes you even more pathetic ....since you just don;t get it .....but that just makes it even funniier....but all that in mind ...this is the funniest part...and it will be shown every time you show up here to fuck with the family.....youve asked for it it is ===>>
hope you enjoy being the punk...bend over tweeker bill and take your medicine ONE MORE TIME,,,,....LOLOLOL. fucking laughing my ass off rolling on the floor .... your succh a toon bill...LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO)LOLOLOLOLOLOL(O)OL... your turn nicheal....oloony you can have fun too
From: Tha Billdozer
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 8, 2010
On Aug 8, 6:36 pm, “” <> wrote:
> thats how these kids have been trained to behave by their mother ...theyve stood on main trail....throw urine at people ...thrown feces at people ...kicked guys in the balls ...attacked people stold then broke camera...
OK, at that point gets the police involved... press charges... BTW, minors can be arrested and jailed for assault... BUT, gathering attendees have no right to take the law into their hands and react with violence.
Oh wait, I just remembered who I was responding to.
> and if someone so much at reacts to them they scream that theve been sexually assualted ...its a scam ...its a shame and something has to be done about it ..
OK, but by the authorities and not attendees.
> frankly little can be done at the gathering in regards to the children...
Bullshit, if they are assaulting people then press charges.... they will get arrested and have to deal with the consequences of their actions.
BTW, minors can be arrested and jailed for assault... let the proper authorities handle it.
> BUT there are things that can be done regarding the adult who are responsible forthose children...for one they can be reported to the law and cps ...
Day late and a dollar short.... BUT, it seems that nobody is focusing on the root cause... these people were fucked over by drainbows... not the first time this has happened... seems that such stories are the norm.
> they can be held accountible for the actions of their children and they can be arrested for child endangerment
AND, check this out.... did you know that children that break the law can be arrested ?!
> and failing to properly supervise those kids ....this is what think should happen...and like always
but yet violence is what was chosen... par for the course,
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 8, 2010
On Aug 8, 7:26 pm, Tha Billdozer <> wrote:
> > thats how these kids have been trained to behave by their mother ...theyve stood on main trail....throw urine at people ...thrown feces at people ...kicked guys in the balls ...attacked people stold then broke camera...
> OK, at that point gets the police involved... press charges... BTW, minors can be arrested and jailed for assault... BUT, gathering attendees have no right to take the law into their hands and react with violence.
> Oh wait, I just remembered who I was responding to.
> > and if someone so much at reacts to them they scream that theve been sexually assualted ...its a scam ...its a shame and something has to be done about it ..
> OK, but by the authorities and not attendees.
> > rankly little can be done at the gathering in regards to the children...
> Bullshit, if they are assaulting people then press charges.... they will get arrested and have to deal with the consequences of their actions.
> BTW, minors can be arrested and jailed for assault... let the proper authorities handle it. you should have let the proper autheroies handle this too
> > BUT there are things that can be done regarding the adult who are responsible forthose children...for one they can be reported to the law and cps ...
> Day late and a dollar short.... BUT, it seems that nobody is focusing on the root cause... these people were fucked over by drainbows... not the first time this has happened... seems that such stories are the norm.
these people were being fucked with by the biggest drainow of them all... you tweeker bill==>>
> > they can be held accountible for the actions of their children and they can be arrested for child endangerment
> AND, check this out.... did you know that children that break the law can be arrested ?
tresspassing tweeker bill...can you spell it ==>>
> > and failing to properly supervise those kids ....this is what think should happen...and like always
> but yet violence is what was chosen... par for the course,
heres violence for ya ==>>
your such a TOON tweeker bill..... and ify ou think anyone here values or respects your oppinion your delusional as well....hes another of your delusional acts ==>>
plos your sooooo damn predictable .....every time I say jump you jump like a moneky on a string... poor old monkeyboy tweeker folks ...he’LL dance when ever I make him dance ..... now respond with more of your irrational silly little argument bill...hurry hurry hurry type as fast as youtr tweeky little fingers will type and tell me what a bad mean man I am now were all waiting for you to make a fool out of yourself once again... ...jump monkeyboy jump
From: gary
Subject: tweeker bill wants children arrested
Date: August 8, 2010
On Aug 8, 7:26 pm, Tha Billdozer <> wrote:
> AND, check this out.... did you know that children that break the law can be arrested ?!
vidoe at 11...LOLOL===>
From: Tha Billdozer
Subject: tweeker bill wants children arrested
Date: August 9, 2010
On Aug 8, 9:54 pm, gary <> wrote:
Yup, if my son broke the law then he would need to learn a lesson.
I remember the first time I got arrested.... my bail was $500 cash.... I called my mother to see if she would bail me out.... instead she hung up.
I called my oldest brother.... he hung up.
When I went home after I got out I asked why they did it.... they said that I needed to take responsibility for my actions and learn that there are consequences to illegal behavior.
If my son called me and asked me to bail him out I would have the same reaction as my mother.
If these kids are committing violent acts against people at gatherings then they need to be held accountable for their actions... assaulting them is not going to do anything but to reinforce the negative image they already have of “rainbow”.... and is illegal in all 50 states.
From: gary
Subject: tweeker bill wants children arrested
Date: August 9, 2010
On Aug 8, 10:28 pm, Tha Billdozer <> wrote:
> Yup, if my son broke the law then he would need to learn a lesson.
> I remember the first time I got arrested.... my bail was $500 cash.... I called my mother to see if she would bail me out.... instead she hung up.
and the moneky jumps right on cue
From: bodhi
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 9, 2010
On Aug 8, 6:45 pm, thistle-m <> wrote:
> This is a joke thread as are all threads started by b.
So you would like to think.
> He took this ncident he knows virtually nothing about, created a distorted way to frame it, and used the most incendiary and provocative terms to get a fight started, as is sop for him.
As Karin pointed out there is no videos showing the actual assault. The “distorted frame” I’m referencing is none other than our intrepid storyteller, Butterfly Bill’s own words -
Here’s what he wrote in Part four of The Stairway to Heaven Gathering:
> > “The one dressed like a Hausfrau threw a smoke bomb on the ground that started a little clump of dry grass on fire before someone quickly stomped on it. Several people got up and I saw a mob of people forming around them, and between the legs on the outside I saw the Hausfrau being thrown to the ground and people piling on top of her. Thruout I heard the girls crying out mockingly things like, “Get your hands off me. and “You call yourselves peaceful. you’re really a bunch of violent punks.” Another Om started up, and people got up from sitting and started holding hands in concentric circles.”
Clearly from BB’s account the little “hausfrau” was violently thrown to the ground with people piling on top of her. From the video I saw there were only greybeards and what BB calls “the black khaki crowd” in attendance. I see no reason why the gutter punks would be offended by the noise seeing how earlier BB recounted how they were disrupting the silence as well.
That only leave the greybeard high holies as the perpetrators of the assault.
> The reason this thread was created by b is to get a fight started. Its not to discuss the incident, its not to find out the whole story, its not to explore ideas or to seek ways to improve the situation.
I discussed in my original post my thoughts on the matter - which I have noticed you haven’t addressed.
> The whole reason for this thread is to insult and slander as broadly and deeply as possible a group of people b thinks the rest of us here will defend thereby provoking a gigantic flame war. That’s who he is, that’s what he does, all the time.
So ... everyone can go home now, right? There’s no discussion here..... we don’t have to stick around to sign any statements? LOL ..what conceded moronic asshole would think a discussion is over just because he disagrees with the premises
From: bodhi
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 9, 2010
On Aug 8, 5:26 pm, Butterfly Bill <> wrote:
> They wrestled her to the ground. Nobody hit her or maimed her in any way. I sat as close as five feet away from her in the council, and I didn’t see any bruises or cuts on her.
Tell that to a judge and see how many years he takes off your sentence. The High Holies that tackled her and pinned her to the ground are guilty of criminal restraint, and false imprisionment of a child under the age of 13..
> Wrestling someone to the ground to restrain has been the preferred means of subduing by not only Shanti Sena, but many other bar and event security cultures.
Sorry, you cannot tackle a child and throw her to the ground even if you’re a security guard at a Miley Cyrus concert.
> You keep saying “attacked her”. I would be more inclined to call it defense.
I’m trembling in my boots. That big bad firecracker put the fear of God in so bad that I HAD to .. defend myself.
> They were doing everythying they could think of to provoke the people in the crowd, and when it turned out they succeeded with maybe a dozen out of the hundreds of people there,
So if I bring my child to the gathering next summer and the lil rascal sets off some firecrackers I can expect her to be pile drived by a couple of your high holy police force??
> they’re whining “poor children” when the things that most sensible people think would happen actually did.
Most sensible people expected the young child would be violently thrown to the ground and pinned by a couple of High Holies because she disrupted the Silence??
> I want to know what kind of mother would make their kids do something which is an obvious endangerment to them, just to get off her feelings of revenge on the Rainbow Family.
So what. That is not the issue here.
From: Sanity
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 9, 2010
On Aug 8, 6:33 pm, Butterfly Bill <> wrote:
> > Does Bob's Church of Unlimited Slack ordain? Anybelly know?
> You have to send in enough money.
Oh, another one of them huh? Guess I’ll stick with BOO-HOO. No self respecting BOO-HOO will ever pay cum-shaw [Chinese: “extorted tribute”].
From: David
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 9, 2010
Tha Billdozer wrote:
> How would you react if it were your child being "wrestled to the ground" by several adults ?? I can tell ya what my reaction would be... ya best be packing becuz if not you would soon contain more lead than a #2 pencil.
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 9, 2010
On Aug 8, 9:17 pm, Tha Billdozer <> wrote:
> > As to the people who say kids should be allowed to do what they want, when someone under the age of 18 is pointing a loaded gun at you, I’m guessing you want me to ignore that as well.
> These kids were not pointing loaded guns... my grand-dad had a simple rule... do not hit a woman or a child.
You should have listened to your grandfather...
> UNLESS, they have a weapon at which time they are not a woman or a child they are a combatant and should be dealt with as such
You’re an idiot and once again stuck your nose into a situation you knew nothing about. Lit firecrackers tossed into a group of seated people is most certainly a weapon. If they were ignored, would M80s be next?
> If there is an issue if public safety on the land YOU ARE NOT THE AUTHORITIES... there are cops all over the place at gatherings... use of fireworks within a national park is illegal... LET THE AUTHORITIES DEAL WITH IT.
Yea, typical response from you. It is well known that you run to the cops for every little issue in your life, sometimes even filing false reports against people. This required an immediate response and these people exptected that response. Their lines were rehearsed... they knew what was gonna go down and they were going to provoke that response one way or another. Was the response proper? I don’t know.. but if it were me that explosive projectiles were being tossed at, the gloves would be off with me and any of my people. I don’t think restraining someone whose intent is to do bodily harm to unsuspecting innocents is too harsh.
> Great, now use that energy for something useful.
ROFLMAO @ coming from you...
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 9, 2010
On Aug 8, 10:26 pm, Tha Billdozer <> wrote:
> Day late and a dollar short.... BUT, it seems that nobody is focusing on the root cause... these people were fucked over by drainbows...
Wait a second.. says who? Other than you, that is?
> not the first time this has happened... seems that such stories are the norm.
That they are, in fact you were pinpointed on here by a person as his own personal drainbow story. You know... the guy you leeched off of then threatened to kill his wife before you were run out of town by the law.
From: Connie
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 9, 2010
On Aug 8, 3:23 pm, bodhi <> wrote:
> > Are you saying that those with touches of grey in their hair are persona non-gratis?
> More like useless fossils LOL!
Wait a minute now - I re(pre)sent that remark!
From: Butterfly Bill
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 9, 2010
bodhi <> wrote:
> So ... everyone can go home now, right? There’s no discussion here..... we don’t have to stick around to sign any statements? LOL ..what conceded moronic asshole would think a discussion is over just because he disagrees with the premises
And I’ll make my final statement: Those kids got just what they were asking for and what was coming to them, and they ought to thank whatever deity they turn to (if any) that they were handled by some Rainbow types with some idea of Shanti Sena and not the kind of people who bring others down with a lot of hitting. I don’t think being a child excuses one from following all the same rules of public safety that adults do, and if one is breaking these rules in a manner that is bringing on immediate danger, that child should be physically restrained. And all their talk about poor innocent children is all whitewash, that woman is deliberately raising a bunch of hellions. We all might be getting our revenge on her when they turn into teenagers.
- BB
From: Tha Billdozer
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 9, 2010
On Aug 9, 8:09 am, David <> wrote:
> Bill, you are still full of shit. And I already am in Texas.
And ??
From: hj st
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 9, 2010
On Aug 9, 1:48 am, bodhi <> wrote:
> Tell that to a judge and see how many years he takes off your sentence. The High Holies that tackled her and pinned her to the ground are guilty of criminal restraint, and false imprisionment of a child under the age of 13..
your hyperbole needs work. it’s getting stale.
From: Tha Billdozer
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 9, 2010
On Aug 9, 12:00 pm, Butterfly Bill <> wrote:
> And I’ll make my final statement: Those kids got just what they were asking for and what was coming to them, and they ought to thank whatever deity they turn to (if any) that they were handled by some Rainbow types with some idea of Shanti Sena and not the kind of people who bring others down with a lot of hitting.
It seems that is exactly what happened... “adults” (and I use that term loosely) took the LAW into their hands and physically assaulted a minor... and now you are on here advocating and condoning such behavior.
> I don’t think being a child excuses one from following all the same rules of public safety that adults do,
those “rules” are called LAWS.... and you are not the POLICE who are duly authorized to ENFORCE the LAW.... if a minor child is breaking the law and is in need of restraint they are the ones that should handle it... not a bunch of stoners, junkies, and alcoholics they think they have a right to.
I thought you were smarter than this Bill... obviously I was wrong... you’re insistence that what took place was right shows that you are no better than a common thug.
> and if one is breaking these rules in a manner that is bringing on immediate danger, that child should be physically restrained.
> And all their talk about poor innocent children is all whitewash,
I have not heard anyone saying this... most, if not all condemn their actions... the problem arises when vigilantes take the LAW into their own hands... this is not acceptable.
> that woman is deliberately raising a bunch of hellions.
Then, instead of taking the LAW into your own hands let them learn the hard lessons of life.... YOU HAVE NO LEGAL RIGHT TO RESTRAIN A MINOR BY USE OF PHYSICAL FORCE.
Karin best hope that there is no extended video showing what happened.... as those involved can be arrested and charged with 3rd degree battery against a minor child which is a Class A felony in ALL 50 states... not to mention unlawful restraint and imprisonment.... AND, since such actions took place on Federal land that makes the crimes committed and the subsequent punishment far worse.
As for what these kids did.... discharging an explosive device or incendiary device on Federal land is at best a Class B misdemeanor.
See the difference ??
> We all might be getting our revenge on her when they turn into teenagers.
Wow, to me that sure sounds like a threat of physical violence.
So Bill, maybe you can explain where revenge as you put it has any place at a “peace” gathering ?? or with “peace” of any sort ??
You should quit while you are ahead and walking around a free man.... after that threat she should contact the police and have you arrested.... remember, you are an adult (supposedly) and there are “rules” that you must follow.... your own words there.
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 9, 2010
On Aug 9, 11:31 am, Tha Billdozer <> wrote:
> > And I’ll make my final statement: Those kids got just what they were > asking for and what was coming to them, and they ought to thank > whatever deity they turn to (if any) that they were handled by some> Rainbow types with some idea of Shanti Sena and not the kind of people who bring others down with a lot of hitting.
> It seems that is exactly what happened... “adults” (and I use that term loosely) took the LAW into their hands and physically assaulted a minor... and now you are on here advocating and condoning such behavior.
once again tweeker bill knows more about what happened than those who were there and witnessed it ...what a toon
> I thought you were smarter than this Bill... obviously I was wrong... you’re insistence that what took place was right shows that you are no better than a common thug.
this from the man who forcibliy entered a disabled womans home ...threaten her and her BF endangered her life ...and commited tresspass when he refused to leave .... the only thug here is you bill.... get of the meth bill and get a watch him tweeker bill in action
lets not forget the time you threatened to KIll erin milliways.....I surely havent ....
> Then, instead of taking the LAW into your own hands let them learn the hard lessons of life.... YOU HAVE NO LEGAL RIGHT TO RESTRAIN A MINOR BY USE OF PHYSICAL FORCE.
your an idiot bill and have no Idea of what the law allows and what it doesnt ...they idd have every legal right to restrain a child from commiting a crime and endangering peoples safety
> Karin best hope that there is no extended video showing what happened.... as those involved can be arrested and charged with 3rd degree battery against a minor child which is a Class A felony in ALL 50 states... not to mention unlawful restraint and imprisonment.... AND, since such actions took place on Federal land that makes the crimes committed and the subsequent punishment far worse.
this from tweeker bill...the paralegal...LOLOL
> As for what these kids did.... discharging an explosive device or incendiary device on Federal land is at best a Class B misdemeanor.
its still illegal and can still be arrested for it ...btw the fine is 5000$
> > We all might be getting our revenge on her when they turn into teenagers.
> Wow, to me that sure sounds like a threat of physical violence.
yopu should know bill...NO ONE on agr has issued more threats of physical violence then you have ....==>>
> So Bill, maybe you can explain where revenge as you put it has any place at a “peace” gathering ?? or with “peace” of any sort ??
> You should quit while you are ahead and walking around a free man.... after that threat she should contact the police and have you arrested.... remember, you are an adult (supposedly) and there are “rules” that you must follow.... your own words there.
advice from a felon....
even more heres that felon at work ==>>
From: Carla
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 9, 2010
bodhi wrote:
> > They wrestled her to the ground. Nobody hit her or maimed her in any way. I sat as close as five feet away from her in the council, and I didn’t see any bruises or cuts on her.
> Tell that to a judge and see how many years he takes off your sentence. The High Holies that tackled her and pinned her to the ground are guilty of criminal restraint, and false imprisionment of a child under the age of 13..
Firecrackers do cause injuries. Google “firecracker injuries” and you can see some doozies of pictures. Firecrackers also cause fires. Google “firecracker causes fire” and you will find many media reports on this topic.
BB has already stated that the smoke bomb began a small fire.
I think any reasonable person could reasonably assume that both of these situations present imminent (and very real) danger, which under the circumstances certainly would justify restraint of a child or an adult.
You are also making quite slanderous assumptions.
It is very possible that two or three people moved to restrain her (whether violently or not, is impossible to know), and the rest of the folks in the pile-up were trying to restrain them, and that others jumped in as well, trying to restrain the restrainers of the restrainers. In this kind of melee, it’s almost impossible to know.
Bottom line is, no one was injured. If Mama thinks she has a justifiable cause of action, she can certainly go to the local sheriff and press charges. Under the circumstances, I doubt that it would go anywhere.
Fact is, there are times that it is appropriate and necessary to physically stop someone--whether child or adult--from continuing an action that is dangerous to self or others. There are ways to do take-downs which minimize the risk of injury to both the doers and the do-ees. However, it does require some use of force and could appear violent to outside observers, as does a tackle at a football game or a wrestling take-down.
I’ve been trained in non-violent take-downs as have, no doubt, many folks at the gatherings. I’ve only had to do it a few times, most often with out-of-control trippers who were clearly in need of intervention and being taken to a calm place. Whether you know it or not, that happens all the time--often at rock concerts or the Gathering. A couple of times I’ve had to intervene in more dramatic situations: once with a 16-year-old girl who was actively trying to hang herself, once with an elderly, disoriented gentleman who was wandering into the street and who became assaultive when attempts were made to stop him. The first was at a gathering and the situation was ultimately resolved peacefully with onsite crisis intervention. The second was here in the community, and resulted in the gentleman being taken to the hospital for a psych eval. Neither person was injured; but either one very well might have been killed had not the take-down been done.
Restraint of any kind, with or without a take-down, needs to be done judiciously and only when there is imminent danger--which in this case it appears that there was. No judgment on the kids, the mom, or the interveners. I’m just saying ...
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 9, 2010
On Aug 9, 2:31 pm, Tha Billdozer <> wrote:
> > And I’ll make my final statement: Those kids got just what they were asking for and what was coming to them, and they ought to thank whatever deity they turn to (if any) that they were handled by some Rainbow types with some idea of Shanti Sena and not the kind of people who bring others down with a lot of hitting.
> It seems that is exactly what happened...
And just how did you come to the conclusion that a lot of hitting happened? Once again, you are distorting the truth with your lies. How do you know “exactly what happened” when you weren’t even there? You’re full of shit and pushing your own agenda, which invalidates the rest of your post.
> > I don’t think> being a child excuses one from following all the same rules of> public safety that adults do,
> those “rules” are called LAWS.... and you are not the POLICE who are duly authorized to ENFORCE the LAW.... if a minor child is breaking the law and is in need of restraint they are the ones that should handle it...
You know as well as I the cops won’t do a thing unless they witness the firecrackers being thrown at unsuspecting people sitting on the ground. People losing their hearing or possibly an eye or worse... that calls for immediate action and restraint was the mildest action that could have been taken. Were it you, a guy who goes apeshit if a joint is even lit next to him, I am absolutely certain you would have punched the child. Your abusive past is proof of that.
> not a bunch of stoners, junkies, and alcoholics
Blah blah blah... just because you were rejected from most rainbow folks, that is no reason to make things up. Sour grapes.
> I thought you were smarter than this Bill... obviously I was wrong... you’re insistence that what took place was right shows that you are no better than a common thug.
It was absolutely right to restrain someone who was endangering others. There is no time to “get a cop” although we all know that is your solution to everything. Your manlove for the police has been evident for years.
> > and if one is breaking these rules in a manner that is bringing on immediate danger, that child should be physically restrained.
Yes, more caps please. That’ll make us listen! Your frustration is apparent and we here are laughing at you.
> I have not heard anyone saying this... most, if not all condemn their actions... the problem arises when vigilantes take the LAW into their own hands... this is not acceptable.
People stopped an imminent danger. What is so hard to understand?
> > that woman is deliberately raising a bunch of hellions.
> Then, instead of taking the LAW into your own hands let them learn the hard lessons of life.... YOU HAVE NO LEGAL RIGHT TO RESTRAIN A MINOR BY USE OF PHYSICAL FORCE.
Why yes sir, Officer Bill.... were you masturbating while you typed this? I know your cop fantasy runs strong.
> Karin best hope that there is no extended video showing what happened.... as those involved can be arrested and charged with 3rd degree battery against a minor child which is a Class A felony in ALL 50 states...
And there is no doubt in my mind that if you could rat these people out you would not hesitate, even though they were protecting others. Too bad you can’t.
> As for what these kids did.... discharging an explosive device or incendiary device on Federal land is at best a Class B misdemeanor. See the difference ??
Take the shit out of your ears, Bill.. they were tossing these explosives at people, people who didn’t even know it. That is far worse than just “setting them off” as you say.
> > We all might be getting our revenge on her when they turn into teenagers.
> Wow, to me that sure sounds like a threat of physical violence.
Learn to read.. your reading comprehension skills have failed you again.
> So Bill, maybe you can explain where revenge as you put it has any place at a “peace” gathering ?? or with “peace” of any sort ??
See above.
> You should quit while you are ahead and walking around a free man.... after that threat she should contact the police and have you arrested.... remember, you are an adult (supposedly) and there are “rules” that you must follow.... your own words there.
Butterfly Bill made no threat whatsoever. You’re just an idiot and an antagonist, who is unable to even read a sentence with the comprehension skills of an adult. The whole tongue in cheek point was that “we” would be getting revenge when those little bastards turn into adults and their own parents have to deal with them. Nobody theatened them. You are such a tool...
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 9, 2010
On Aug 9, 4:18 pm, “” <> wrote:
> And just how did you come to the conclusion that a lot of hitting happened? Once again, you are distorting the truth with your lies. How do you know “exactly what happened” when you weren’t even there? You’re full of shit and pushing your own agenda, which invalidates the rest of your post.
he doesnt even have video... but I>
> You know as well as I the cops won’t do a thing unless they witness the firecrackers being thrown at unsuspecting people sitting on the ground. People losing their hearing or possibly an eye or worse... that calls for immediate action and restraint was the mildest action that could have been taken. Were it you, a guy who goes apeshit if a joint is even lit next to him, I am absolutely certain you would have punched the child. Your abusive past is proof of that.
heres an example of that abusive behaviour==>
> > not a bunch of stoners, junkies, and alcoholics
> Blah blah blah... just because you were rejected from most rainbow folks, that is no reason to make things up. Sour grapes.
even bread of life didnt want him a round and when the christians dont want ya ....your a lost cause
> Yes, more caps please. That’ll make us listen! Your frustration is apparent and we here are laughing at you.
this one is hilarious ===>
> People stopped an imminent danger. What is so hard to understand?...
some one should have stoped this one ==>
> Why yes sir, Officer Bill.... were you masturbating while you typed this? I know your cop fantasy runs strong.
yeah but his long police record ( can you spell felon) prevented him from becoming a cop...and also prevented the state of texas f rom more cop violence ..Imagine tweeker bll with a badge, mace a night stock and a gun...sacry isnt it )
> And there is no doubt in my mind that if you could rat these people out you would not hesitate, even though they were protecting others. Too bad you can’t.
yeah he could call the chief of police in their home town and accuse them of running a meth lab and keeping women captive under their porch...LOLOL tried that one already didnt ya’d it work out for ya ,...IM still waiting for the police raid ....what a toon
> > As for what these kids did.... discharging an explosive device or incendiary device on Federal land is at best a Class B misdemeanor.
> See the difference ??
> Take the shit out of your ears, Bill.. they were tossing these explosives at people, people who didn’t even know it. That is far worse than just “setting them off” as you say.
here tweeker bill go off===>>
> Butterfly Bill made no threat whatsoever. You’re just an idiot and an antagonist, who is unable to even read a sentence with the comprehension skills of an adult. The whole tongue in cheek point was that “we” would be getting revenge when those little bastards turn into adults and their own parents have to deal with them. Nobody theatened them. You are such a tool...
yup....thanks ohlooney ...I missed it when you dont weigh in....
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 9, 2010
On Aug 9, 4:48 am, bodhi <> wrote:
> > Wrestling someone to the ground to restrain has been the preferred means of subduing by not only Shanti Sena, but many other bar and event security cultures.
> t; Sorry, you cannot tackle a child and throw her to the ground
It saddens me that you are choosing the O’Leary route. Nobody was tacked or thrown to the ground. That is just sensationalism. Restraint is quite different. In either case it was a regrettable incident and these kids got what they wanted. They and the parents are apparently students of the Westboro Baptist freaks.
> I’m trembling in my boots. That big bad firecracker put the fear of God in so bad that I HAD to .. defend myself.
Actually the people that the firecrackers were thrown at weren’t even aware until they went off. If you think this is harmless fun, I suggest you try it on yourself.
> So if I bring my child to the gathering next summer and the lil rascal sets off some firecrackers I can expect her to be pile drived by a couple of your high holy police force??
Nobody was piledriven... more sensationalism.
> Most sensible people expected the young child would be violently thrown to the ground and pinned by a couple of High Holies because she disrupted the Silence??
No she was restrained after endangering other people. Nobody was thrown to the ground.
> > I want to know what kind of mother would make their kids do something which is an obvious endangerment to them, just to get off her feelings of revenge on the Rainbow Family.
> So what. That is not the issue here.
It’s the whole issue, in my opinion. This situation was created with at least the blessing of the parents and probably because they scripted it.
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground Because She Disturbed Their “Peace” On Some High Holy Day
Date: August 9, 2010
On Aug 9, 4:49 pm, “” <> wrote:
> It’s the whole issue, in my opinion. This situation was created with at least the blessing of the parents and probably because they scripted it.
Subject: tweeker bill wants children arrested
Date: August 9, 2010
On Aug 8, 10:28 pm, Tha Billdozer <> wrote:
> I remember the first time I got arrested.... my bail was $500 cash.... I called my mother to see if she would bail me out.... instead she hung up.
> I called my oldest brother.... he hung up.
> When I went home after I got out I asked why they did it.... they said that I needed to take responsibility for my actions and learn that there are consequences to illegal behavior.
LOLOL your own family hung up on you....that speaks volumes tweeker bill....did ya ever think that maybe they had just had their fill of your bullshit the rest of us have ...I wouldnt brag that my family wouldnt help me ..Id be askamed .... but its become obvious that you arent ashamed of anything...stalking women ...stalking men ...making false police reports .. tresspassing....reckless driving....calling landpolords to get people evicted ...calling employers trying to get people firred.. only to mention but a few of the execusable behaviour you have bragged about ... you have no conscience... no moral redeeming value .. no suprise you have no friends and .no wonder bread of life insisted that you were never a part of their kitchen but simply a poor lost irratating wanna be hanger on blissninny ====>>
From: Pat Easterling
Subject: tweeker bill wants children arrested
Date: August 9, 2010
Carla is The Correct.
now back to the bill/rainbow/and sometimes Gary drama, endless drama, on and on and on baloney, with no point, other than ego stroking crapola - who wrote several days ago that when the focus goes from the behavior to the person, it’s baloney??
Hey, next time someone throws firkers why don’t you guys just stand on either side yapping endlessly about your stupid repetitive drama bullshit? You’d bore the perps and they’d go away. As most of the posters here wish would happen!
From: bodhi
Subject: The High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground
Date: August 9, 2010
On Aug 9, 5:17 pm, Carla <> wrote:
> Firecrackers do cause injuries. Google “firecracker injuries” and you can see some doozies of pictures. Firecrackers also cause fires. Google “firecracker causes fire” and you will find many media reports on this topic.
According to BB’s account it was ONE smoke bomb and not firecrackers the kids tossed. So much for your misleading dodge down Googleland Carla. NO FIRECRACKERS were thrown. According to BB’s account is was noisy musical instruments that ‘cause the crowd of Hi-Hos to go berserk
> > “Then at maybe 10 o’clock I heard the sounds of a tambourine and some people telling others to be quiet “
tambourine ...... there’s your weapon of mass distraction. A little girl dared disturb the Silence!!!
> > “then I heard a girl’s voice saying, “You’re all a bunch of Nazis”. I looked over and saw three girls walking around onto the meadow, all talking loudly.
Oh my god, now they’re talking loudly. Someone call the Rainbow Elders. Disrespecting the Silence is a Capital Offense in RainbowLand!!!
> > “One of them had blond hair in long dreadlocks .... She was walking around with a video camera taking pictures of all the people who approached them.”
Good Lawd ..... a tambourine ....... loud talking .... a video camera ..... can you see where this is leading Carla ..??
> > “Several people who were sitting in the meadow got up and formed a circle around them and tried to shush them,”
tried to shush them?????????? WTF????????/
At this point in the narrative I don’t see any reason why these girls needed to be surrounded and “shushed”
> > “Finally there was a complete circle around them and someone started an Om.”
A “complete circle” means the children were prevented from leaving. At this point a crime was committed. It’s called false imprisonment of a child. Google it. The Annual this summer was held on Federal Land and as far as I know there are no Federal Statue preventing someone from playing musical instruments in the National Forest.
The only reason the child was restrained, imprisoned and possibly kidnapped (if the “complete circle” moved her in a direction she didn’t want to go it’s called kidnapping) was because she offended the High Holies with her hi-jinks. I look through the Federal Law Books and found no statue honoring the Fourth of July Silence. The child was breaking no law by disturbing the peace. But we see a clear motive in the behavior of the mob. Terrorize a child for making noise on the Hi-Hos scared silence.
> > “A little while later I heard some rumbling coming from the direction of Kid Village, and I heard their voices again, saying “Nazis” several times. I also started hearing what sounded like one of those plastic parade horns.”
Sounds like a regular band was being formed. Again no crime was being committed. No need to pull a Shanta Sena circle. The girls were no threat to others or to themselves. They were just being bratty kids.
> > “Then they came back to the main meadow a second time, and I found out that a fourth child had gotten hold of a trombone and was making blasts on it.”
A trombone - there’s your weapon of mass distraction!
> I think any reasonable person could reasonably assume that both of these situations present imminent (and very real) danger, which under the circumstances certainly would justify restraint of a child or an adult.
So far the kids were restrained for doing nothing more dangerous than talking loudly and tooting their horn,
> You are also making quite slanderous assumptions.
You are covering up some very serious charges committed by your friends the High Holies. How does that feel??
> It is very possible that two or three people moved to restrain her > (whether violently or not, is impossible to know),
There was a MOB of people restraining her in a tight circle for making noise. Not only was there no crime committed by the girls there was no reason to restrain them.
> and the rest of the folks in the pile-up were trying to restrain them, and that others jumped in as well, trying to restrain the restrainers of the restrainers. In this kind of melee, it’s almost impossible to know.
You are despicable. You excuse and condone this type of behavior makes you unfit to be around children Making excuses for violence being committed on a child makes you the lowest form of scum.
> Bottom line is, no one was injured.
Makes you feel better, eh??
> Fact is, there are times that it is appropriate and necessary to physically stop someone--whether child or adult--from continuing an action that is dangerous to self or others.
The mob of Hi-Hos restrain a child in a circle for making noise. How was that dangerous to self or others??
> There are ways to do take-downs which minimize the risk of injury to both the doers and the do-ees. However, it does require some use of force and could appear violent to outside observers, as does a tackle at a football game or a wrestling take-down.
> > “The one dressed like a Hausfrau threw a smoke bomb on the ground that started a little clump of dry grass on fire before someone quickly stomped on it. Several people got up and I saw a mob of people forming around them, and between the legs on the outside I saw the Hausfrau being thrown to the ground and people piling on top of her.”
Tackling a child is inexcusable You were such a big hot shot calling me out for my supposed violence against Dia and now your creating excuses for the manhandling of a child by a mob of strangers. You are a hypocrite as well as being despicable
> I’ve been trained in non-violent take-downs as have, no doubt, many folks at the gatherings.
Non-violent takedown is when someone presents a danger to others or to themselves. Tossing ONE smoke bomb on the FUCKING 4th OF JULY IN A NATIONAL FOREST is not a crime.
Assaulting a minor IS
> I’ve only had to do it a few times, most often with out-of-control trippers who were clearly in need of intervention and being taken to a calm place. Whether you know it or not, that happens all the time--often at rock concerts or the Gathering.
It is illegal to put your hands on a child. END OF STORY
> Restraint of any kind, with or without a take-down, needs to be done judiciously and only when there is imminent danger--which in this case it appears that there was.
There was no imminent danger you silly twit. A little girl with a smoke bomb is far less dangerous than a hostile mob of hystrical High Holies imprisoning a child for making noise during the Silence.
I hope every kid in the Rainbow Family reads this thread. These High Holies (BB, Karin, Carla, Thistle) are not in an way “Elders” in the Rainbow Family.
They are LIARS
Here’s what BB wrote:
> > “There was much protestation at the way the girl had been tackled and wrestled to the ground, along with names being called like “child molesters”, “perverts”, and “Nazis”. There had been someone who had tried to grab the video camera away from the other girl but didn’t succeed, and someone else had taken away the trombone and damaged it in the process.”
NOW we’re getting to the real reason the kids were manhandled - to take away their trombone!!!! There were no firecrackers and folks didn’t tackle the kids in fear that they would burn down the forest.
it was because they disturbed the Silence and ran afoul of a hysterical mob of Hi-Hos
> > “There was contrition among some of the people in the circle, a few went so far as to apologize for the severity of the reaction. Some suggested that “we let the children speak”. Others were like Garrick Beck who went on about how the Silence “is a delicate thing, but powerful when it is maintained, like fine spider web.” Most of the times someone defended the Silence they were met with cries of “Facts!” from the kids. One person produced a bicycle horn in the shape of a hunting horn, with the rubber squeezer missing but a collar at its end that made a good mouthpiece, and gave it to the kids to make up for the destruction of the trombone.”
here’s the truth -
> > “After about two hours of discussion and another trip of the fish around the circle, I heard Joe from Kid Village say, “We were given a test, and we failed”
Subject: tweeker bill wants children arrested
Date: August 9, 2010
On Aug 9, 6:20 pm, Pat Easterling <> wrote:
> now back to the bill/rainbow/and sometimes Gary drama, endless drama, on and on and on baloney, with no point, other than ego stroking crapola - who wrote several days ago that when the focus goes from the behavior to the person, it’s baloney??
> Hey, next time someone throws firecrackers why don’t you guys just stand on either side yapping endlessly about your stupid repetitive drama bullshit? You’d bore the perps and they’d go away. As most of the posters here wish would happen!
the only thing Id disagree with in your statement is the suggestion its about ego....yeah it might be ...and probabaly is with tweeker bill... but its not ego with me Pat.....its just payback for years or his abuse me ...and to everyone else ... far as Im concerned he can go away ...or he can live with it ....and as for your statement that most of the posters here would rather it go away....are you a mind reader ...Im quite sure that if MOST of them wanted i tto stop they would say something and the only thing Ive heard at all was a few supporters ...only afew ...but not one distractor other then yourself .....and I not that easlily diswaded
Subject: tThe High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground
Date: August 9, 2010
On Aug 9, 7:05 pm, bodhi <> wrote:
> NOW we’re getting to the real reason the kids were manhandled - to take away their trombone!!!! There were no firecrackers and folks didn’t tackle the kids in fear that they would burn down the forest.
> it was because they disturbed the Silence and ran afoul of a hysterical mob of Hi-Hos
Ive seen nothing in the video or eye witness reports that wouldidentify the persons involved as “hi holies” or even imaginary elders ... just people .... did you witness something the no one else did ...???...or did you witness anything...or was it just word of mouth for you
From: Pat Easterling
Subject: tThe High Holies Tackled a Child and Threw Her To The Ground
On Aug 9, 8:05 pm, bodhi <> wrote:
> it was because they disturbed the Silence and ran afoul of a hysterical mob of Hi-Hos
Let’s all flip out.
Gee I want to be one of the hystrical (sic) High Holies (do you get sex and drugs?). I’m not sure who they are, however, since Carla and Karin seem so reasonable and calm and smart and together (and much better looking than bodhi, sorry dude, but you’re about as cute as me - and with the exception of ohlooney and maybe me, most of the posters are sounding like deluded fucked up ego tripping dopes. I’m not saying that they are dopes, they are just temporarily sounding stupid), so maybe Diamond Dave? He’s kinda a windbag sometimes (I share the affliction), but to tell the truth I can’t imagine him getting hystrical, more historical, starring himself, of course. And I don’t know thistle, so maybe he’s the one out there slamming little girls faces into the hard hard ground, gleefully chuckling to himself (make pirate voice), “Har har, me mateys! Nothing like body slamming little girls, heh heh!”
But then again, once I was walking up to the visitor center in Glacier Nat. Park and they’d fenced off around the trail to protect the alpine plants, all blooming pretty and looking so pristine, and this ten year old jerk in front of me, while glaring at his mother, threw his coke can into the little flowers. Without even thinking I (softly) did a snap roundhouse kick to his ass. He looked amazed. His mother thanked me. So I’m on the side of physical restraint, be it of elders, middle aged dopes, young fools, or aberrant children. But I must admit, I didn’t spank my kids; just my caustic with could reduce them to tears, well, to tell the truth more likely maybe reduce them to rolling their eyes and saying something like, “Dad, you are such a tool.”
I remember in Haight, how some guys thought it was funny to throw firecrackers. It was moronic criminal activity in 1967 and it still is today. As Moby Grape put it: “Would you let me walk down your street Naked if I want to, Can I fly fireworks on the fourth of every single July.” Well yes Moby Grape, after the children’s parade, if you want to be jerks, go ahead, somewhere not near me, because I’ll stop you (hopefully with a bucket of water).
Anyhow, this is much todo about nothing much, eh? Now why don’t we just get back to the purpose and meaning of this forum and argue about something that means so much, like that wonderful video? Oh, and my kids think Death Camp is funny, but then they think OZ has great food.
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