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Miranda, Raven – part 6
From: Paintword
Subject: This Time On “As The Raven Plummets”...
Date: February 12, 1999
Newsgroups: alt.gathering.rainbow
Just got my first letter from my son, Moses, since he’s gone to prison. It is an epistle of apology, atoning, reassurance, love and fun. (Truly Goddess is great and wondrous!) Thought I’d share just a little bit of it since I’ve told agr of my suffering so you should know too my amused joy. Moses begins: “So here I am in San Quentin. Remember the immortal words of Douglas Adams: ‘Don’t Panic’.” M’boy! Chip off the old cookie! Just yesterday I was crying a titch because I was telling Warner about a piece I heard on npr about Buddy Holly coming out of a James Dean movie and then cried some more when I remembered that the first record Moses put on upon coming home here after his last incarceration was “the Best of Buddy Holly.” Now that struck me as a most rare twenty-one year old, especially since he had a thousand plus choices between his, mine and Warner’s records tapes and cds to put on. It hit me as so odd that a well versed, gentle kid like that would sit in SQ out of his own doing. Breaks your heart. But life, it seems, goes on. “Little by little, I can breathe again...” I go to sing and dance and weep my joy. Oh Love & Oh Light! Miranda, Rainbow
From: Paintword
Subject: My Child is Valedictorian @ San Quentin
Date: April 28, 1999
Tonight I talked on the phone with Moses, my son, as I do twice a week. (Those tuning into this soap opera for the first time should know that previously on “As The Raven Plummets”: Moses has received a two year sentence for one/half a gram of meth amphetamine. He is a prisoner of war in San Quentin and will be out in October or November.) He took his GED two weeks ago, and today he got his results. He passed with the highest score ever received by a San Quentin alumnus. He got 99 percentile in reading comprehension. 95th percentile in math. 97 percentile in science. 97th in soc sciences. (Is there another score here? It was an upper 90’s if so) and then 81st percentile in composition*. (How many sections are there? He got all upper 90’s except the 81 in his written essay.) He said he was asked to give the speech to the graduating class--
Where upon I jumped in and said: “and your speech is: Call your PO and piss clean!”-- Where upon my son, who formerly would have fer sure n cceptions gone into a towering rage upon my intrusion and the content of my rudeness, said:
“Of Course!”
So I’m gonna have a bumpersticker made! So this kid is also putting on weight, topped 6 ft., is working out every day, he is very very very good looking (like a young Paul Newman except he is actually good looking....) and he’s just very very smart. Kinda scary. Like maybe this kid IS god! I know he keeps me on my knees and praying!
Miranda, Raven, Proud Mother
*Ya know... this is lightening revisited in this one week. 81 percentile in composition? His essay was on Tessla. He wrote technical questions that he would ask old NT if he could spend the day with him. This is the only nonobjective part of the GED. I’ll bet whoever graded it had no idea what Moses was writing about nor how to read the type and quality of writing my son laid on that page. With all those other grades, and with the writer I know my son to be, this has an eerie resemblance to Don Shaw saying my writing is disorganized. My master’s thesis probably would have flunked by Don’s lights! (Fortunately, I had trained my grad committee and I got highest honors on both the novel I wrote and on the sixty page scholarly work I wrote in two days that placed my novel firmly in the literary tradition. Yes. I am bragging. No apologies.)
There are different types of order. Did you know the Greeks had no word for the color blue? They didn’t process the color blue. They thought sunny sky and sea were shades of grey. Just one of googles of quibbles I have with the blindness of cops and other authorities. This footnote is no dimming of this lovely milestone for my son, but an ache I have about the world both he and I inhabit where there are those who are ill equiped making judgments about people who are better skilled and studied. M the R
From: jenni
Subject: My Child is Valedictorian @ San Quentin
Date: April 28, 1999
Congrats to Moses on such high scores! Glad to hear that he’s got his GED now. With such an intelligent mother, how could he *not* be bright? : )
From: Sky Goodhew
Subject: My Child is Valedictorian @ San Quentin
Date: April 28, 1999
YaY Moses
Sky - Mir miro mir
From: Paintword
Subject: I’ll Make No Apology for Rainbow
Date: July 15, 1999
[I wrote this in response to a post I have now lost. From Laurie, perhaps?]
I do know the “apologia” is a grand old style, having several degrees in literature, but rainbow needs none. But I’ll respond to the spirit of your inquiry, even if mostly anecdotally. But anthropologically, sociologically, rainbow isn’t a gang or a religious cult. It is multigenerational and not a group. It is a family of many tribes so don’t worry that your happiness/bliss might be religious insanity – though we have that, too!
Take Wyoming. There I was. On my face, literally, due to thirty years of smoking at front gate on the third due to altitude sickness at the purported 8,764 ft. (That was five years ago. Haven’t smoked since!) I was disabled to the point of not being able to walk into the gathering from where we were camped at bus village until the seventh. It took hours to make the walk. Lots of osha. Lots of mushrooms. Then I walked in a long slow circle around vision council there in that awesome high valley about five times saying sweet nodding hellos to many kin. Then I went off apace toward teepee village. On the slope there I turned and wept for an hour or more, just weeping and weeping happily and luxuriously at the beauty of the mountains, the beauty of the world, the beauty of the tribes going about the business of being. Weeping because I could see the snow as it would be come February. Weeping because it was all there: The full cycle of human life in its sexual array; ugly gorgeous; old young; male female in all in some proportions; dark light; fat gaunt; strong weak; shaved hair to ankles; tall short; smart stupid; happy angry. I heard yells from the teepees. A baby was getting born there I think. Someone came up to me and told me of a death some months before of someone we knew. I craved for a huge canvas and paints.
It was all just the greatest painting ever painted! But I have it hanging in the Louvre of my heart, that great family portrait I saw before me that great summer evening in the Teton mountains. When I try to tell people about the gatherings, about rainbow this what I describe. I point out that there are no authorities in this painting. No badges, cars, desks, cash registers, stages, judges robesgavelsbenches. Just a true egalitarian tribe sans the rectilinear hide and go seek perspectives of Babylon. And the color! And the smells of super cooking! The sounds! Children laughing drumsdrumsdrums guitars bells. Women in labor yelling! Singing. Pans clattering. The sounds of bare feet on dirt paths. (I love that slappound sound.) Bagpipes. Conch shell songs of suppertime. Angry funny airhead mystical brilliant earnest sly deceptive sick healing voices speaking at councils. And all the faces and bodies and all the energies complex and simple carried around by those bodies. And the sunlight. And the green grass. And the moon and the stars and the black clouds and the rain and the snow and the thunder and the lightning. And never never never anywhere except for a few intoxicating minutes in the first floods of puberty walking on the streets in Green Bay Wisconsin have I ever felt connected to my species, the mystery reconciled, the reason for life being merely that it is! except when thus en famile, cum rainbow, a la family of living light.
Mmmmm. Mmmmm. I sure do love us!
Miranda, Raven, She Who Paints with Words
From: DenLabel
Subject: I’ll Make No Apology for Rainbow
Date: July 15, 1999
From: Paintword
Subject: freedom
Date: September 1, 1999
Hey Now, Family! This a.m., in about six hours, I get a visit here at the house (WSB’s house, too) from a parole officer. Moses, my son, is to be paroled to this address on the 12th. Say a prayer for the Raven, por favor! I loathe this shit. I never bring cops into my world, so it’s weird to get them in here due to my son’s activities. We do it for LOVE these things we endure!!!! Love and Light, Miranda, Raven
From: Dave
Subject: freedom
Date: September 1, 1999
“Don’t be afraid of your freedom!”
Subject: freedom
Date: September 1, 1999
a prayer for you, and a hug too. Glad to see you
again. (((((((((((((((((((M,R))))))))))))))))))
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Subject: freedom
Date: September 1, 1999
Hyup, I knew you couldn’t stay away from MY ascerbic wit and glowing charm ... (TW blows on fingernails and smirks) ;^) But seriously, it’s great to hear from you again. The place hain’t been right without ya. As fer the fuzz in yer home, whoa - that ALWAYS sux, and exponentiates when it’s yer own that brings it there ...
Are ya gonna be able to handle the wayward child? (I’m serious here, i’ve seen enuf parents who were afraid of their own kids FOR GOOD REASON.) Please, don’t take any chances with your safety - if that’s not an issue, then let me offer a prayer of strength for the BOTH of you - I’m sure you both need it.
|\/\/ ToadWizard
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From: Glenn Battin
Subject: freedom
Date: September 1, 1999
WOW! Welcome back home.Miranda Raven. We missed you alot.
Prayers commin your way. Yeah for Moses!
Many Blessings
Our Roots Go Deep!
From: Butterfly Bill
Subject: freedom
Date: September 1, 1999
Adding my energy to the spirit emerging from the desire of all of us for the healing of both of you.
Nanner, nanner, knew you’d be back... dull without the soap opera, ain’t it?
- Butterfly Bill
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From: Ann L. Hughes
Subject: freedom
Date: September 1, 1999
Hey, Miranda Raven!
I’m a long-time lurker who recently became a poster to AGR. It’s good to see you back, and good to hear that your son is getting out of the joint! I am wishing you all of the love, energy and courage you need in the coming days and weeks to endure this wonderful and tumultuous event! {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Miranda Raven}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
The Garden Goddess
From: Panzo^n
Subject: freedom
Date: September 2, 1999
I honestly hope and pray that all works out to your best hopes and expectations.
From: Joy S.
Subject: freedom
Date: September 2, 1999
Hope all went smoothly....
Stay strong, sister.
~ ~•• ~~.•´¯`•• ~ ~~• ~~.•´¯`•• ~
•~ ~•• ~ .•´¯`••~ ~ ~.•´¯`~•••~~.•´¯`•• ~
Subject: freedom
Date: September 2, 1999
Welcome Home Painter and sending healing thoughts plus loven vibes for you WSB and Moses up-coming release.
Wishing you all a peaceful loving reunion.
--==Sent via
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From: Rich McKay
Subject: freedom
Date: September 3, 1999
> Welcome Home Painter and sending healing thoughts plus loven vibes for you WSB and Moses up-coming release.
> Wishing you all a peaceful loving reunion.
well howdy dragonfly - i just got home{Key West} after touring new england for the summer {until i ran out of money} - it was a pleasure getting to know you a little bit this time around - how has your summer been? Rich in Spirit
From: Dragonfly™
Subject: freedom
Date: September 4, 1999
In article <>, wrote:
> well howdy dragonfly - i just got home{Key West} after touring new england for the summer {until i ran out of money} - it was a pleasure getting to know you a little bit this time around - how has your summer been? Rich in Spirit
Hey Rich:)
Big WelcomeHome to cybercircle. Good to see you back. Just got back myself! It was nice being with you in PA and enjoyed getting to spend some time with you!
Wishing you the best and nice to know you returned from your travels safely.
Subject: freedom
Date: September 10, 1999
In a message dated 99-09-01 15:30:37 EDT, you write:
> Are ya gonna be able to handle the wayward child? (I’m serious here, i’ve seen enuf parents who were afraid of their own kids FOR GOOD REASON.) Please, don’t take any chances with your safety - if that’s not an issue, then let me offer a prayer of strength for the BOTH of you - I’m sure you both need it.
Moses is a peace loving guy. A peace maker. Though he has a rageaholic streak that is less and less in the fore as he matures. (This is a verbal thing; part of the ADD/ADHD thing offtimes. So prevalent is ADD/ADHD and rageaholism in the Rainbow that we often take it for granted in that setting. Agro dialogue. Maybe only one person’s one speech and it’s just par.) Moses has no violent crime he has been arrested for. In fact, he has just completed 9 months on a two year rap in San Quentin for a .40 of a g of meth amphetamine. The year before, he did six months in santa cruz county for being in possession of an “auto trader” newspaper, one of those freebies, that he took out of the mailbox tray in the lobby of his girlfriend’s apartment building. My quible with my son is that he has exposed himself time and time again flagrantly to the cops and that his life has had no works of value and substance. The cops have been driven to take him out because he has been the leader of the Pacific Garden Vagabond Kids. (Not with drugs or money but as a moral arbiter and anti heroin (etc) counsel. I have had the position that his leadership was more worthwhile in any college and/or the rainbow, insofar as the kids on the street squander his good works the same as he squanders my good works by using them up on the street while not creating a home & ecponomic base for himself. More of that unhealthy ego shit. But in SQ, he has taken hold and gone to work on healthy ego. He’s gotten his GED. (Highest grades ever in all of the Ca prison system) and then took precollege algebra (all A’s of course.) Now he’s coming home. 70 hours and counting! Miranda, Raven
From: The original Teamaster George
Subject: freedom
Date: September 11, 1999
In article <>,
> Moses is a peace loving guy. A peace maker. Though he has a rageaholic streak that is less and less in the fore as he matures. (This is a verbal thing; part of the ADD/ADHD thing offtimes. So prevalent is ADD/ADHD and rageaholism in the Rainbow that we often take it for granted in that setting. ...
Sounds like a good hearted kid Miranda, (though I hope he can stay away from the meth, stuffs no good for sure, I was particularly impressed with his work with the street-kids, someone that they can understand is in the best position to offer them advice, god bless him for his good heart, I am not trolling (looking for a reaction), but kids in Rainbow or College need good council less than street kids..... I wish you and him the best, but even though I do not know your son, it sounds like his life has allways had value and substance, god bless you for raiseing such a child!!!!! On another note, what is ADD/ADHD ?? I regret I am not familiar with those acronyms..... want to learn more allways......
Come have some tea, it’s free, whoopie!
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Subject: freedom
Date: September 11, 1999
In article <<, wrote:
> Moses is a peace loving guy. A peace maker. Though he has a rageaholic streak that is less and less in the fore as he matures. (This is a verbal thing; part of the ADD/ADHD thing offtimes. So prevalent is ADD/ADHD and rageaholism in the Rainbow that we often take it for granted in that setting. ...
I know this too well ; I live with it myself.
> Agro dialogue. Maybe only one person’s one speech and it’s just par.) Moses has no violent crime he has been arrested for. In fact, he has just completed 9 months on a two year rap in San Quentin for a .40 of a g of meth amphetamine.
That shit’ll kill ya - I hope he can stay clean this time ...
> The year before, he did six months in santa cruz county for being in possession of an “auto trader” newspaper, one of those freebies, that he took out of the mailbox tray in the lobby of his girlfriend’s apartment building.
Typical; if they can’t catch ya doin it, they’ll fabricate it.
> My quible with my son is that he has exposed himself time and time again flagrantly to the cops and that his life has had no works of value and substance. The cops have been driven to take him out because he has been the leader of the Pacific Garden Vagabond Kids. (Not with drugs or money but as a moral arbiter and anti heroin (etc) counsel. I have had the position that his leadership was more worthwhile in any college and/or the rainbow, insofar as the kids on the street squander his good works the same as he squanders my good works by using them up on the street while not creating a home & ecponomic base for himself. More of that unhealthy ego shit.
It’s a self-feeding cycle; the worse you do, the worse you feel ... VERY hard to break outta ... ( Another prayer for strength )
> But in SQ, he has taken hold and gone to work on healthy ego. He’s gotten his GED. (Highest grades ever in all of the Ca prison system) and then took precollege algebra (all A’s of course.) Now he’s coming home. 70 hours and counting!
It’s good you’re glad to see him coming home. ( MORE STRENGTH )
Moses - you take good care of yer momma - sheez th only one you got. ( One of th best ways to do that is to get a hold and start takin care of yerself - WELCOME HOME ! )
|\/\/ ToadWizard
Miranda, Raven
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From: Paintword
Subject: freedom
Date: September 11, 1999
In a message dated 99-09-11 08:01:57 EDT, you write:
> > Moses has no violent crime he has been arrested for. In fact, he has just completed 9 months on a two year rap in San Quentin for a .40 of a g of meth amphetamine.
> That shit’ll kill ya - I hope he can stay clean this time ...
Lotta things can kill ya. I have no judgment either way on the shit per se. My point with him or anyone: Don’t get caught. You want to use it or die by it, that’s your business, not the guvments. The stuff itself is neither bad nor good. Miranda, Raven But overall, TW: Thanks for all the good regards. Know I am lovin you! It’s just, as well meaning as you are, your posts on this matter are rife with presumption. For instance: What’s with the “this time”? Fact is, he’s never pretended to be “clean” or to try to be “clean” at any time. He’s done as he said he was doing. No lies. No self deceptions. The issues here to me are the soft creeping fascism of the government and the arrogance of my son to think he isn’t going to get caught/(and its flipside--that it’s inevitable and so, why care.) Maybe this is too subtle for agr? M the R
From: Panzo^n
Subject: freedom
Date: September 11, 1999
<> wrote in message
> Lotta things can kill ya. I have no judgment either way on the shit per se. My point with him or anyone: Don’t get caught. You want to use it or die by it, that’s your business, not the guvments.
I agree with this with one qualifier:
Don’t “push” and don’t let you decisions adversly affect your freinds, family, and loved ones.
My father had a saying: You freedom to spin around with your arms flung wide ends where my nose begins.
By your own words, your sons actions has adversely affected your life and that is where the real crime is IMHO.
Here’s hoping that he does not do it again.
Subject: freedom
Date: September 13, 1999
In a message dated 9/1/99 7:43:16 AM Central Daylight Time, writes:
> Hey Now, Family! This a.m., in about six hours, I get a visit here at the house (WSB’s house, too) from a parole officer. Moses, my son, is to be paroled to this address on the 12th. Say a prayer for the Raven, por favor!
I loathe this shit. I never bring cops into my world, so it’s weird to get them in here due to my son’s activities. We do it for LOVE these things we endure!!!! Love and Light, Miranda, Raven
From: Paintword
Subject: brain meltdown
Date: September 11, 1999
the fucking paper work is fucked up. the counselor forgot to make out part of the papers for moses’ release tromorrow a.m. little chance it can be remedied until monday. the fuckers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! where they gonna get the extra day to give moses back? where they gonna get an extra day to give me back? miranda
From: Panzo^n
Subject: brain meltdown
Date: September 12, 1999
Subject: brain meltdown
Date: September 12, 1999
o sweet sister, this does truly SUCK!
((((((((((((((((everybelly affected by this suckyfuckup)))))))))))))))
wishing there were something more than prayers i could offer,
mamaturtle :(
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Subject: brain meltdown
Date: September 12, 1999
Oh, sweet PaintWord - this TRULY SUCKS ! Dear GOD/DESS does have his/her mysterious ways ... I pray that there is a reason for this ... Perhaps the delay avoids some catastrophe and brings Moses safely to you ... I Remember Marilyn Whirlwind’s story on Northern Exposure ...
My uncle once told me about a warrior who had a fine stallion. Everybody said how lucky he was to have such a horse. Maybe, he said. One day the stallion ran off. The people said the warrior was unlucky. Maybe, he said. The next day, the stallion returned, leading a string of fine ponies. The people said it was very lucky. Maybe, the warrior said. Later, the warrior’s son was thrown from one of the ponies and broke his leg. The people said it was unlucky. Maybe, the warrior said. The next week, the chief led a war party against another tribe. Many young men were killed. But, because of his broken leg, the warrior’s son was left behind, and so was spared.
Sorry for the commercial intrusion, but it’s still a great story - and hopefully , helpful as well ... We never know why, no matter what ... Things will happen, and a butterfly flapping his wings in Hong Kong may cause a typhoon in India, yet also cause a gale of wind in NY that holds one person back long enough for that bus he didn’t see to pass ... I pray that you and Moses are brought back together ASAP.
|\/\/ ToadWizard
PS - Thanx to J.S. Timmons for posting this on his NX Website ...
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From: Paintword
Subject: brain meltdown
Date: September 12, 1999
this false night’s real vigil tells me fresh
ancient rotted ill intentions and
vain inattentions of demi governings
of malignant instituitings cruel
careless and kindless,
undotting and uncrossings mistaken for
dauntlessness and jesuswork I suppose.
And worse. Worse. This is no one’s fault,
This manmade business.
Oy! you mark me boys, men,
that when you throw yourselves away, when
you others dispose of other mother’s sons,
‘tis mothers too that bleed in the night
extra blood through the old wound and
the new wound of your silly games made
sacred from all the bloody cross crucifying
you do with your keys and books and badges
and guns and chambers and unending pool of
yang nightmares that women are forced to
dream through the flesh they generate out
into time and space till that is all
I have tonight in this false night’s real waking.
And cannot one clerk keep watch with me?
Nay only the buddha is awake.
And cannot one paper pimp,
One ink prostitute keep watch with me?
Nay only the boddhisatva
Dreams with me of my tall son
Walking waking from the cold stupid
Stones of that inhumane human hell.
Such is a mother’s vigil.
Be wakeful, sons, of how these heartless
Blood games play with dice
That turn out to be your mother’s
Heart breaking in the terrible
Tumbling tossings
Of these false nights.
Thanks, family for the support. miranda, raven
From: Paintword
Subject: brain meltdown
Date: September 12, 1999
The deal is, do I roust wsb from his bedsleeproom? travel the seventy-five miles to San Quentin in his car with him? I have paper work saying moses gets out today, parole has paperwork saying he gets oput today, moses has paperwork saying he gets out today, but as of six pm yesterday, the gate at sq doesn’t have anything about his release. so I go through all of this grind it into your face stuff at best only to come home that same 75miles of a grueling drive at best of errands with out moses? (this is a trip traversing-- !twice! the fucking treacherous whole of the bay area on broken roads with an unrelated, uninvolved person? (sic: wsb) all in the wee hours on a Sunday morning? all in the off-chance they’ll let him out? because the top ranking officer at sq whose cage I rattled said there was an off chance?) I don’t know what to do. And once there, will they arrest ME because the warrant-- which was also a paperwork glitch, that I went to court four times last year and got rid of, has popped up on my license again? Rage! miranda, raven
From: jenni
Subject: brain meltdown
Date: September 12, 1999
Miranda, Raven,
My heart goes out to you during this trial. If it were me, I’d go pound on the gates and demand that Moses be released as promised. This SNAFU should not be allowed to go by unchallenged. With a lawyer (wsb) present, they may be much more willing to excuse the missing paperwork. I know this email comes too late, since it’s already Sunday morning here, but I hope that all works out for you and that you have your son home with you today. Please let us know what happens. Sending you much love and light..... {{{{{Miranda, Raven and Moses}}}}
From: Paintword
Subject: brain meltdown
Date: September 12, 1999
yeah. so. good I didn’t go up there. san quentin isn’t ready for the raven in a mother bear rage. this watch commander at 5 a.m. told me my son is property!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! of the ca penal system. he heard other! then this watch commander that came on at six was a little more civil. but still: weekend=no discharge writing staff=no SNAFU remedy. really, crystalhawk! lawyer? lawyer? all the ass I kicked and names I took all night & morning are all warner or anyone could do short of knowing the warden’s home phone number. more. I did more. I knew enough to stay away. in the end on this shit all lawyers do is the old ha ha ha what’s one more day? And ain’t no fuckin way this isn’t on the fucking warden’s six a.m. desk tomorrow. Moses’ll be home tomorrow. Remember friday a.m. when I slipped and said seventy hours? Some part of me knew. I had doubts about a weekend release from three months ago. And you fabulous purveyors of prayer? I mean the ones with the infamous braggart in your group over prating on my private post about his/your supernatural intercessions as to my son’s release from prison? Get me and my son the fucking bloody hell off your illbegotten list! Your prayers spews demon balls. m,r (please note the comma)
From: Glenn Battin
Subject: brain meltdown
Date: September 12, 1999
> The deal is, do I roust wsb from his bedsleeproom? travel the seventy-five miles to San Quentin in his car with him? have paper work saying moses gets out today, parole has paperwork saying he gets oput today, moses has paperwork saying he gets out today, but as of six pm yesterday, the gate at sq doesn’t have anything about his release
Yeah go for it. WSB is a good guy. Moses is awaitin’. Vision can come to the gate @sq too. IMHO It would suck worse if they freed Moses and you wern’t there.
Our Roots Go Deep!
From: Panzo^n
Subject: brain meltdown
Date: September 12, 1999
<> wrote in message
> yeah. so. good I didn’t go up there. san quentin isn’t ready for the raven in a mother bear rage. this watch commander at 5 a.m. told me my son isproperty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think that someone’s butt should be in a sling over this. And knowing your tenacity, I am sure that someone will be called to the mat - if no one other than that first watch commander!
As far as who does or does not pray for you and yours, I am sure that that particular rave is colored by your righteous anger and besides, I do not think that you have any real control over who does and does not pray for you. And I really would not worry about it unless there are some worshippers of the dark one out there somewhere that have you on their list.
I personally hope that it all works out for the best.
From: susie
Subject: brain meltdown
Date: September 12, 1999
> Moses’ll be home tomorrow. Remember friday a.m. when I slipped and said seventy hours? Some part of me knew. I had doubts about a weekend release from three months ago. And you fabulous purveyors of prayer? I mean the ones with the infamous braggart in your group over prating on my private post about his/your supernatural intercessions as to my son’s release from prison? Get me and my son the fucking bloody hell off your illbegotten list! Your prayers spews demon balls.
Dear Sis ... you come to us...(note the ‘us’ is small..) as family. I read that in your time of need, you amaze yourself at the fact that you have come back to this cyber forum. Do not expect to find one mind here... or even the hugs and compassion you might choose, and could find by choice on the land. Here, (AGR) as well as in the world, we are only fragments of the whole... opening ourselves up to the yeas and neas ... a take it or leave it attitude...(i.e.. use your delete key). Here you may call upon our cyber family to hear your heartsong, and those current joys and sorrows.
Here you may denounce cyberly the attitudes not in agreement with what you may have hoped for. Coming here... by choice, you give yourself a mode of expression where you may anticipate disagreement, where you may let loose your venom on the ‘system’ you are currently caught up in... and by your own words...again.... a matter of choice.
Our brother, TW, put this recent setback into (his) perspective.
I ask... isn’t accepting current realities.... (not as victims) but as choice... or better stated...(and cautiously so) divine order? No way to be construed as a sign of giving up... or giving in... but possibly a way of stepping back and re-assessing current roadblocks? sent with love to all my family... susie
(always... IMHO)
Nature and God - I neither knew
Yet Both so well knew me
They startled, like Executors
of My identity.
Emily Dickinson
M... I hope this day passes quickly for you. Patience, for those that have it... I admire!
From: Paintword
Subject: brain meltdown
Date: September 12, 1999
In a message dated 9/12/99 2:02:08 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:
> M... I hope this day passes quickly for you. Patience, for those that have it... I admire!
Fuck patience! Unless, of course, that’s all you have. Then, of course, bless Patience! LOL, M the R Don’t lecture me, Susie... We’ve (oh barf) shared husband (different times). & I knew you when.... LOL
From: susie
Subject: brain meltdown
Date: September 12, 1999
> LOL, M the R Don’t lecture me, Susie... We’ve (oh barf) shared husband (different times). & I knew you when.... LOL
you know I would never.... (and since you new me when...may I use you as a reference... LOL...LOL...) Take good care of that boy!! !! !! !!
L O V E Always... L O V E
Subject: brain meltdown
Date: September 13, 1999
In article <DiUC3.226$>,
> As far as who does or does not pray for you and yours, I am sure that that particular rave is colored by your righteous anger and besides, I do not think that you have any real control over who does and does not pray for you. And I really would not worry about it unless there are some worshippers of the dark one out there somewhere that have you on their list.
Miranda doesn’t need your prayers. She said so herself, and she ought to know. So will you please STOP? Flaming her in this fashion has never taught her anything, has it? [That WAS flame wasn’t it?]
I realize what you wrote might be seen as reasonable by reasonable people, but have you ever known Miranda to act reasonably? She has said point blank that she does not want prayer groups praying in her reguard. So will you please STOP?
I realize saying “please,” in recognition of your right to decline stopping your incessant pleading to God for Divine intersession to Miranda’s troubles isn’t Miranda’s style; but at least someone is being polite about it. So will you please STOP?
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Subject: brain meltdown
Date: September 13, 1999
Dear sister crystalhawk... you do rock, mama!
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From: Panzo^n
Subject: brain meltdown
Date: September 13, 1999
<> wrote in message news:7rhjvg$mim$
> Miranda doesn’t need your prayers. She said so herself, and she ought to know. So will you please STOP? Flaming her in this fashion has never taught her anything, has it? [That WAS flame wasn’t it?]
No it wasn’t a flame and Yes I will stop.
Your right you know, why should she be reasonable, for that matter, why should she listen or even acknowledge me? Wasted ‘breath’ on my part.
From: Paintword
Date: September 12, 1999
I did it! I did it! I did it! I made them cut him loose!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One small step for me, One Giant Step For the Rainbow Family of Living Light!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are all that much freer for it! I did it! I did it! I did it! WE DID IT! I reached into that fucking mega gnarly ass yangyangyang patriarchal ass place and sang the woman song the goddess song and the tribe song and I set the Rainbow Son free. Free free set me free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I fucking did it! I threw myself upon the mother fire and let the fucker burn burn burn. Held not one bone nor hair nor heart beat nor idea nor hope nor second nor no thing nothing back but let it burn burn burn all of it. WSB’s gone to get him. (God’s speed!) I ain’t gone cause I aint to be trusted round penal institutions for a while them walls aint quite ready to come down. I celebrate you, family! I celebrate you sister crystalhawk. You are the wings beneath my wings. You were right my beautiful sister of living light! The attorney thing! I wound him up, gave him directions and sic! They’ll be serving leo ball stew at SQ for a while. Gormet style. Heehaw. That new law firm: Raven, Crystalhawk and Kali. Fucking sautee the fatted tofu! The prodigal son is coming HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wore them down. I scared ‘em! I rocked ‘em! Twenty-three hours to bring San Quintin to its knees! THEY BEEN FUCKING RAINBOW FUCKING MIRANDIZED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The best part? Moses calls me crying and laughing and I’m crying and laughing and he goes, “You fucking kicked SOME ass, Mom.” I says, “Yeah I fucking kicked SOME ass.” “Thanks, Mom.”
Thanks Family! It’s just too too too too too much bullshit for them to keep him another day. Told ya I could move mountains! Now I done it for ya! Aint no ego deal. It’s about LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! Color me HAPPY!!!!!!!!!! Gonna hold my tall son in another two hours! Rock and Roll!!!! Now we begin....... Love and love and all its tender and cataclysmic infinities!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Miranda, Raven, She Who Paints With Words
Yonda come miss rosy, wid da papers in her hand, she been ta see da guvna, she gonna free her SON!
From: KaHa
Date: September 12, 1999
Sister mine, ewe truly rock.
My love to you and Moses.
. .
|< /-\ (-) /-\ Debian GNU/Linux
From: Twoina Hager
Date: September 12, 1999
All we need is love...!!!
Twoina Hager
Date: September 13, 1999
Love and Joy to All
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From: Panzo^n
Date: September 13, 1999
Congrats Raven, long may you fly.
It is truely a shame that there are some real dense individuals and institutions that are not willing to work with others and that it takes threats and actions from lawyers to do what they are supposed to do.
I personally would be MUCH happier in a world that had no need of lawyers, or jails for that matter.
From: Miclac2
Date: September 13, 1999
> I personally would be MUCH happier in a world that had no need of lawyers, or jails for that matter.
> Panzo^n
And then the inhabitants would eventaully evolve into civilization.
From: Stealthx
Date: September 13, 1999
sister raven;
congrats, blessing on you and your child
From: Preacher Mike
Date: September 13, 1999
> And then the inhabitants would eventaully evolve into civilization.
It was so-called civilization that created the need for jails.
Folks get bunched close together in a space where other people’s business start to affect their own.
Then, politics, control games and ego brought the creation of prison, to confine, to avenge, (to gloat).
Hangings, confinement, and whippings a public spectacle.
Don’t pack folks so close together, and they can avoid problems by avoiding each other.
Jail isn’t all that realistic, banishment for however long, seems much more realistic; it’s cheaper on public taxes and gives the person so charged a much more realistic chance at rehabilitation.
But, society being what it is, ......
From: Glenn Battin
Date: September 13, 1999 wrote:
> I did it! I did it! I did it! I made them cut him loose!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You go Miranda.
Love never fails.
From: The original Teamaster George
Date: September 13, 1999
In article <>,
> I did it! I did it! I did it! I made them cut him loose!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
God bless you both!! only the best to you... George
Come have some tea, it’s free, whoopie!
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From: jenni
Date: September 13, 1999 wrote:
> I did it! I did it! I did it!
Congratulations, there was no doubt here that you would.
> celebrate you sister crystalhawk. You are the wings beneath my wings. You were right my beautiful sister of living light! The attorney thing!
I was hoping that they’d be cowed or impressed enough that an attorney was speaking for Moses that they’d let him go. Not that it should be necessary, but that’s how the wretched system is set up.
> That new law firm: Raven, Crystalhawk and Kali.
Ah, would that it were. Strider sure could use us. But oh, so glad that you’ve finally got your son returned to you.
“...for there is hope in two women, help in three women, strength in four, joy in five, power in six and against seven, no gate may stand.”
Sheri S. Tepper “Gibbon’s Decline and Fall”
Miranda continued to post until October of 2011 under more e-mail names,
but here I bring this part of her story to THE END
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